Saturday, December 25, 2010

Keeping Citizens Ignorant by NOT reporting Information "Public Meetings"

MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2009, Valdosta Council Meeting "A WHITEOUT"

December 17, 2009

For years the citizens of Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia, has not been properly informed on news worthy events in our METRO CITY of 48,000 American Citizens. We have practically given up on local TELEVISION, NEWS PAPER, and RADIO stations keeping us informed.

Therefore this BLOG was created to keep citizens informed on issues that others apparently does not want published. Therefore please, continue visiting this blog, as we seek to keep all citizens informed and not just as select few. We remain respectively free American Citizens until we give up and quit. God Bless America and everybody else.

Retired United States Armed Forces
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

Georgia Public Meetings, Not So Public Anymore!

#100-11-2009, Omissions by local press: Address before “Valdosta City Council Meeting on November 4, 2009, at 5:30 PM. by: (George Boston Rhynes)

TITLE: Respecting Members of Our Armed Forces by Elected Officials NOT being in company in RADIO Stations that call the President a CLOWN among other things…..

Mr. Mayor and Council!

My name is George Boston Rhynes. My address is (Address Given), Valdosta, Georgia. At the last Monthly Meeting, I spoke concerning some of our Elected Officials being in the COMPANY of certain people on RADIO stations. Wherein the EXECUTIVE COMANDER-IN-CHIEF of our ARMED FORCS, is repeatedly referred to as a CLOWN, and where the word RACISTS, is used quite frequently.

I said the, and NOW! That criticizing the Executive Commander In-Chief of our Troops, stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan along with Squadron, Base, and Wing Commander at MOODY AIR FORCE BASE Georgia was not good for our city.” But when we repeatedly see, and hear. That our elected officials are ”IN THE COMPANY”, with people who carry this on. Then this is NOT good, and that COMMANDERS probably already--- have a hard enough job keeping unity and morale up in their squadron.

Then the day following last months meeting the Valdosta Daily Times reported that; “citizen (George Boston Rhynes) says elected officials INSULTING president on radio.” The Article is By Johanna Pinholster.

Then earlier that morning, I recorded on, a local Radio Host---with the Mayor as his guest. The Mayor used the opportunity ---to interpret my comments as POLITICAL POSTURING and for ME (George) to accuse ONE or TWO ELECTED OFFICIALS---may have been as the Mayor put it----“RACIALLY MOTIVATED.” He also said among other things, ---that I attend every City Council Meeting. Now let the record on that speak for itself.

LASTLY: I have a TRANSCRIPT that I am going to leave with you today of last Months Meeting. And I want to do that because I think it is in the best interest of my credibility, my character and who I am. And what represent and who I spoke on behalf of, and that was our military people (I am a retired military veteran) and the President of the United States which those men and women. Which I have said before put their lives on the line and a lot of them at Moody are listening---to what we say.

And I never said any council member or any elected official, any elected said anything---that was insulting to the President. But I said it then; as I say NOW, being IN THE COMPANY of those who call our EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of our military Armed Forces a, CLOWN etc. This is not in the best image of our city, and Moody Air Force Base, Wing Commander.

And I will give you a TRANSCRIPT of that meeting from last month, as well as well as what I said tonight. So we can get the record straight. I thank you!

MAYOR RESPONSE: Thank you sir!,

#100-11-2009 Omissions by local press:

SUBJECT: Citizens to be heard: Address before “Valdosta City Council Meeting on November 4, 2009, at 5:30 PM.

BY: (Mr. John Robinson during Citizens to be heard), Mr. Mayor and Council!

SUBJECT: Small Emerging Businesses!

My name is John Robinson. I live at: ADDRESS NOT POSTED HERE: My concern is about the Small Emerging Businesses. That Ah, I believe is the sector here and on this sector is: what guarantees does Disadvantaged Minority Businesses have pertaining to a fair share of getting projects from Lowndes County or the City. Which, there has not been any fairness---as far as my points of view---at all in this city, or from this city. Ah, what guarantees do we have, and we need to find out something pertaining to the disparity study?

I spoke to Miss Avery over in Jacksonville. And I was CERTIFIED Disadvantaged Minority Business out of Jacksonville Florida with the program that you are using as a model. And that you are using to disparity test--that you are giving us, is ten (10) years old. And it doesn’t give us any guarantees of any kind. Ah, we are participating, and active citizens in business, as well as anyone else here. And we are expecting, to be participants in the rolls as far as, the bid process, the set side process, instead of those things that’s normal events---where certain people are excluded.

I know it might sound like some people may say, it may be---race issues, or whatever the case may be. But history have always revealed, and unfolded itself, as an on going cycle of things of events, and times, and events, as far as fairness, and unfairness due to the circumstances. That has been presented itself over the historical past----of this city, and in a lot of more cities--in the south.

We need some guarantees, because we have less ownership than anyone here. And we have a percentage, as far as being fifty-five (55) percent, as the citizens in this city. And---we want part of it. We want some fairness of it, and we want to--- know something about the DISPARITY. Thank you!

Response from Mayor John Fretti: “Thank you Sir! (From John Robinson)

#100-11-2009 Omissions by local Press: , November 8, 2009,

TO: Valdosta City Council, Valdosta Daily Times, Citizens, Internet, and Beyond,

SUBJECT: Citizen Ignored by Local Press

On November 4, 2009 another Valdosta City Council Meeting was held in Council Chambers at 5:30pm. However ONCE AGAIN, the general public was left deaf, dumb, and blind concerning information addressed to the City Council from a Georgia Citizen. This has become a routine practice and citizens should be outraged.

The day before the meeting fifty-five citizens and business owners gathered and expressed their concerns about not getting their fair share of contracts from local governments. Therefore Mr. John Roberson’s presentation was a direct result of that meeting and yet the content of his presentation went unpublished or TREATED as if he was the INVISIBLE MAN at this public meeting in the State of Georgia.

He asked the Mayor and Council: “How can disadvantaged businesses (Small Emerging Businesses) prosper if they are ignored or given documents (bids) without addresses, phone numbers, etc? It gives the impression as if someone has already made deals with elected officials prior to the biding process.”

This was another point that is being discussed in our community with great concern. However, our TELEVISION and NEWS PAPER seems uninterested in publishing information to the general public. HOWEVER, I will continue using my blog, handouts and radio to keep citizens informed on UNPUBLISHED ISSUES from the public meetings in the State of Georgia.

We understand that private news media has a right to ignore what is not in their best interest. However there are some of us that respect those people that frequent Wild Adventure, Moody Air Force Base, and Kinderlou Golf Course along with other that visit our community seeking to know. Therefore, I will do my best to keep citizens educated and not ignorant on unpublished issues.

While I appreciate our local News Media for what they do publish for the good of our community. Many citizens are confused as to why they are keeping citizens ignorant. Therefore our community need TELEVISION and NEWS PAPERS that will keep citizens properly informed. God bless American and everybody else.

GEORGE BOSTON RHYNES, Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran, A concerned citizen and brother of humanity


#100-12-2009, Omissions by local press: ,

Citizens to be heard: Address before “Valdosta City Council Meeting on DECEMBER 10, 2009, at 5:30 PM. By: Mr. John Robinson (No Response from 1st ADDRESS),

SUBJECT: 2nd Address on Small Disadvantaged and Emerging Businesses

Good Evening, Mr. Mayor and Council!

“It’s a beautiful afternoon, what we have seen displayed here this afternoon. It’s a great honor to be here. My name is John Robinson: ADDRESS NOT PUBLISHED HERE.

Response from Mayor John Fretti: “Yes Sir”

I have come here before and I mentioned something about the disparity studies. And this is about the Small Disadvantaged and Emerging Businesses. That is coming up before us as a new project and program. We have had conversations about this at other times. And we did not seem to come to NO agreement through our conversations. But I am here tonight to say that this city is now a METRO CITY. Everybody is aware of that and we do have some problems in this city along racial lines and everything else, and the way we are going to need---to address this as a hold and as a people.

As the man was saying about Dr. King monument, the monument is fine. But we don’t need no monuments, we need jobs. We need power to be shared, and you know this city is set up; with all White structure power. There is no question to that, and we got people in positions that, that’s, that’s councilmen. But we got to realize the facts. Its time now that we got to have some monies and some economic development on other side, the South Side----where we can get something done.

Ah, I met with a man by the name of the Famous physiologists Marvin Dunn from the International University of Miami. NOW! I am practically as you can say----is a no body; but I am somebody. And I want to say this, and it is not a JOKE. And it is not a THREAT---these are FACTS.

We are going to take legal positions. Ah, from the brotherhood of concerned citizens, economic development and on behalf of the Black Business Association. That the word minority is no longer used, therefore we don’t feel---there is no fair shake. There is nothing going to come down this pipe that is fair and we are going to need everybody to get involved, so that we as a city can sit down, and start discussing the issues.

I know the word minority might seem like it is something, and we discuss set asides and stuff like that. But there have NOT been nothing fair about this city, as far as jobs where people can jobs and projects. You see I was a farmer business owner, and I worked for waste management as a vender service since 1983. Ah, the solid waste authority headed out of New York---the owners of MGM Universal studios. And I have done work for half of the State and have did projects up to 2 ½ million dollars. And I ran half the state of Florida as a vender for Waste Management and Refurbishing sanitation equipment as far as being dumpsites, pull off tubs, and other things.

We also have general contractors in our families and you know. I was informed that I didn’t want to work. I have esophageal cancer. And have approximately 3 to 5 years of survival rate to live. My survival rate is .085 percent. And I am dedicating the rest of these days that I do have to promote entrepreneurship.

And I am hoping that this old system, I was informed by business people from this community. Major predominate business folks when we first come here with our companies. I got acquainted with the Langdale Family and Mr. Langdale. I got acquainted with the Copeland’s out there. These are all good and descent people and these are people that dominate in business. And, but, I was also informed NOT by this group of people.

But others that’s predominate people in business here, that this city is run by the good old Boys. This is what I was told and said, that there is NO NEED for your business coming here. Thinking that your guys are going to get involved in a major cooperation because it is NOT going to happen.

They said if you were in Jacksonville or in some other place but not here in Lowndes County Georgia. Because the good old Boys are not going to permit it. And these are people that are involved in real-estate and in other areas of this city.

So I did not believe that, I honestly did not believe that, but now I am convinced. And now we are talking about the disparity study. But ah, the United States Justice Department says that there is something wrong here. And I do believe that we can resolve our own problems. If we got the courage among ourselves to sit down and actually discuss how we got here over the historical period of time. And see if we can get someone to invest on the other side over there where there is no money.

So people can become entrepreneurs. There was a young lady standing in line over here at a place where they were paying light bills. And there were several people over there as common citizens. And they had several degrees in sociology and in other different fields. And these people were Black, saying they had been out there in line since 1:00 AM in the morning.

With 95 % --of the people out there that morning was Black people in their own community. I do believe that if we can sit down, and talk about the ugly issues, the good issues, the bad issues, and come to a resolution. That we can come up with some type of a formulation. That we all can get in the plan and discussion and formulate some form of meaning and real trust between one another. That monies can be divided equally across that old railroad track of social divide. So we can get somewhere that Blacks, Whites, and everybody can benefit.

See here, whether we have the facts. I am not going to take up too much time. But everything from the cost line of Miami Florida to the Canadian line is Patel now. And we are going to be sitting here arguing, and bickering. And then this hold country is going to be owned by foreigners. And those of us, who didn’t get the opportunity to have nothing, will not have anything. And those of us who have something; is going to see it go down the tube. Then its going to be a shame. For us to say, that we as Americans are the ones who suffered in this country-----NOT to have an opportunity.

So if you guys will. Please take under consideration that we need to sit down and talk before litigation gets started. Because I promise you, that it will get started.

Thank you: Response of Mayor John Fretti: Thank you, Mr. Robinson.

#100-12-2009, Omissions by local press:, Address before “Valdosta City Council Meeting on December 12, 2009 at 5:30 PM. By: (Name Withheld) but can be found in Valdosta City Council Minutes.

SUBJECT: Solar Program Research and Request, and Naming a Street after Rev. Martin L. King Jr.

Mr. Mayor and Council, My name is (Not posted). I live at: (withheld) ----I had proposed. That we do a Solar Program.


CITIZENS CONTINUES: Ah, I think I talked to Willie, But I never did get a response back from it. MAYOR responds, who did you talk to? Ah, one of the council members. I don’t think we can directly talk with the council. Ah, I think about 10,000 people die every year in the South Eastern United States from Air Pollution. And it is my situation about it that I have a company, A 21st Century Tele Communication and we are off into renewal Technologies developing content for that particular area. And there are a couple of solar installers here in the city that is going to be working with. But I wanted the city to ask the Department of Energy to become a Solar City. That the basis of why I am here.

RESPONSE FROM MAYOR: Thank you! I appreciate that. I think most of that council agrees. That we are always looking for alternative sources of energy. And in the audience tonight about three or four rolls back on the inside is Brad Lofton. Brad raise your hand. Ah, if you would meet with Brad in a second or after. He will tell you about something very exciting. That we just heard from the governor. And it has to do with Solar Energy, and we are going to be the only one in the State that is going to be doing this. So rather than me going into it. I am going to ask you to talk about it with Brad Lofton. I think you will be very excited about.

CITIZENS CONTINUES: There is one other issue that certain other citizens are concerned about and I am particularly concerned about it. Ah, we put a monument on Dr. King Street or whatever that is that we want to call it. But anyway. My proposal is that, and this is to the city council and to the county. And I will be telling them (county) that in order to get the full gist of Dr. King Legacy. I think we need to do a little bit more.

One of the other things to that. I am thinking about is making Pineville a historical Black College. I think that will help eliminate some of the problems that we have in the city. But getting back to the point just about the Economic Development Component of Dr. King. He did not just live for Black people. He lived for all of us in the United States, and if we make this street in front of the Court House a State Road with Dr. King name going all the way to the interstate that will give us; a great economic development component because people coming to Valdosta. They will see that we have changed and become better citizens towards race relations in this city. That’s my take!

RESPONSE FROM MAYOR. Thank you Sir, and thank you for coming here tonight.


City Council Address, November 4, 2009, By: George Boston Rhynes, Address Valdosta City Council:

Mr. Mayor and Council, My name is George Boston Rhynes. My address is (Address Given), Valdosta, Georgia. At the last Monthly Meeting, I spoke concerning some of our Elected Officials being in the COMPANY of certain people on RADIO stations. Wherein the EXECUTIVE COMANDER-IN-CHIEF of our ARMED FORCS, is repeatedly referred to as a CLOWN, and where the word RACISTS, is used quite frequently.

I said the, and NOW! That criticizing the Executive Commander In-Chief of our Troops, stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan along with Squadron, Base, and Wing Commander at MOODY AIR FORCE BASE Georgia was not good for our city.” But when we repeatedly see, and hear. That our elected officials are ”IN THE COMPANY”, with people who carry this on. Then this is NOT good, and that COMMANDERS probably already--- have a hard enough job keeping unity and morale up in their squadron.

Then the day following last months meeting the Valdosta Daily Times reported that; “citizen (George Boston Rhynes) says elected officials INSULTING president on radio.” The Article is By Johanna Pinholster.

Then earlier that morning, I recorded on , a local Radio Host---with the Mayor as his guest. The Mayor used the opportunity ---to interpret my comments as POLITICAL POSTURING and for ME (George) to accuse ONE or TWO ELECTED OFFICIALS---may have been as the Mayor put it----“RACIALLY MOTIVATED.” He also said among other things,---that I attend every City Council Meeting. Now let the record on that speak for itself.

LASTLY: I have a TRANSCRIPT that I am going to leave with you today of last Months Meeting. And I want to do that because I think it is in the best interest of my credibility, my character and who I am. And what represent and who I spoke on behalf of, and that was our military people (I am a retired military veteran) and the President of the United States which those men and women. Which I have said before put their lives on the line and a lot of them at Moody are listening---to what we say.

And I never said any council member or any elected official, any elected said anything---that was insulting to the President. But I said it then; as I say NOW, being IN THE COMPANY of those who call our EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of our military Armed Forces a, CLOWN etc. Is not in the best image of our city, and Moody Air Force Base, Wing Commander.

And I will give you a TRANSCRIPT of that meeting from last month, as well as what I said tonight. So we can get the record straight. I thank you!

MAYOR, Thank you sir….

November 4, 2009, John Robinson, Address Valdosta City Council

My name is John Robinson, I live at (ADDRESS in Lake Park), My concern is about the Small Emerging Businesses. That Ah, I believe is the sector here and on this sector is, what guarantees does Disadvantaged Minority Businesses have pertaining to a fair share of getting projects from Lowndes County or the City.

Which, there has not been any fairness---as far as my points of view---at all in this city, or from this city.

Ah, What guarantees do we have, and we need to find out something pertaining to the disparity study. I spoke to Miss Ivery over in Jacksonville. And I was CERTIFIED Disadvantaged Minority Business out of Jacksonville Florida with the program---which you are using as a model.

The one that you are using to disparity test--that you are giving us, is ten (10) years old. And it doesn’t give us any guarantees of any kind. Ah, we are participating, and active citizens in business, as well as anyone else here. And we are expecting, to be participants in the rolls as far as, the bid process, the set side process, instead of those things that’s normal events---where certain people are excluded.

I know it might sound like some people may say, it may be---race issues, or whatever the case may be. But history have always revealed, and unfolded itself, as an on going cycle of things of events, and times, and events, as far as fairness, and unfairness due to the circumstances. That has been presented itself over the historical past----of this city, and in a lot of more cities--in the south.

We need some guarantees, because we have less ownership than anyone here. And we have a percentage, as far as being fifty-five (55) percent, as the citizens in this city. And---we want part of it. We want some fairness of it, and we want to--- know something about the DISPARITY. Thank you!

Mayor Responded, “Thank you Sir! The end..

November 8, 2009

George Boston Rhynes, Letter to the Editor (WHITEOUT OF MEETING INFORMATION)

TO: Editors, Blog, Concerned Citizens and Beyond

On November 4, 2009 another Valdosta City Council Meeting was held in Council Chambers at 5:30pm. However local citizens were ONCE AGAIN, left deaf, dumb, and blind as to the information in ATTACHMENT above that took place at a public meeting in the State of Georgia.

The day before the meeting fifty-five citizens and business owners gathered and expressed their concerns about not getting their fair share of contracts from local governments. Therefore Mr. John Roberson’s presentation was a direct result of that meeting and yet the content of his presentation went unpublished or TREATED as if he was invisible---at this public meeting.

How can disadvantaged businesses (Small Emerging Businesses) prosper if they are ignored or given documents (bids) without addresses, phone numbers, etc? It gives the impression as if someone has already made deals with elected officials prior to the biding process. This was another point that is being discussed in our community with great concern. However, our news media seems uninterested in publishing information to the general public.

I will continue using my blog, handouts and radio to keep citizens informed on unpublished issues from public meetings in the State of Georgia. We understand that private news media has a right to ignore what is not in their best interest. However there are some of us that respect those people that frequent Wild Adventure, Moody Air Force Base, and Kinderlou Golf Course along with other points of interest that want to know. And so I use all means available to insure citizens are in the know.

Lastly: I am grateful for our local media and without them we would really be in a worse shape. However in our area we need another news media outlet to assist them in 2009. God bless American and everybody else.


Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran

A concerned citizen and brother of humanity



2009-VDT, Mayor Fetti, Radio Talk, George Responds with TRUTH!

November 1, 2009

TO: Editors, Local Citizens, Blogs, Internet, and Beyond

The Valdosta Daily Times published an article (October 23, 2009) on my presentation before the Valdosta City Council on October 22, 2009...My address concerned local elected officials being “IN THE COMPANY” and on radio stations wherein RADIO HOSTS often called members of our Armed Forces Executive Commander-In-Chief a CLOWN, and the word RACISTS was often used even though many of our military troops are (NOW) stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and at Moody Air Forces Base Georgia.

I said to the Mayor and Council as I have said before Representative Jack Kingston at his Local Health Care Town Hall Meeting (See Video Link below) that we should respect all members of our ARMED FORCES along with their Executive Commander-In-Chief----Period!

Then on the MORNING of October 23, 2009, a local radio talk show hosts Scott James and his guest Valdosta City Mayor John Fretti talked about ME during their recap of the meeting---of which I recorded in its entirety.

Moreover neither the Valdosta Daily Times or Scott James gave me an opportunity to respond or defend myself; as was the case in both instances.

THEREFORE I AM PROVIDING THE ABOVE ATTACHMENT TO RESPOND, and show that LOCAL MEDIA including local television stations seems bent on keeping the general public deaf, dumb, and blind to INFORMATION dispersed during Public Meetings in the State of Georgia as well as in our local community.


Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran

Former President of local NAACP

A concerned citizen and brother of (ALL) humanity

Two heads may be better than one but never forget which one belongs to you. {GBR}


“THE GENERAL PUBLIC RIGHT TO KNOW”(By: George Boston Rhynes 1 November 2009)

As a result of my presentation at Valdosta City Council Meeting on October 22, 2009 the following is necessary to made straight what some have made CROCKED. The following items will be addressed:

1. The Times Article and my response.

2. The actual comments of Scott James, (Radio personality), and his questions to Valdosta City Major John Fretti. Along with the mayor comments.

3. My actual SCRIPTED address before Mayor and Council.

4. My response to Mayor John Fretti.

5. My response to Radio Personality Scott James.

[The Strike Force Continues against America’s 44th President]


1. VALDOSTA DAILY TIMES ARTICLE: Headlines “COUNCIL HEARS CONCERNS ABOUT OFFICIALS, At MEETING, CITIZEN (GEORGE BOSTON RHYNES) SAYS ELECTED OFFICIALS INSULTING PRESIDENT ON RADIO.” By: Johanna Pinholster. “George Rhynes brought concerns from the community before the community before the Valdosta City Council Thursday night during their regular meeting. Rhynes said a local radio station has been receiving calls from the community concerning elected officials on another radio station and referred to the Executive Commander of the United States as a “Clown.” He did not say who the elected officials were or where they worked. Rhynes said it would behoove elected officials to be careful when they are in public, though the constitution of the United States does allow for criticism of the president

“It does not look good on our local community, he said. Rhynes also stated that he wrote a letter to the president concerning a cartoon that ran recently in the Valdosta Daily times. In the cartoon, a man depicted as President Obama stands in between two soldiers, one soldiers stated that he watches Fox News, the man in the middle tells the other soldier to “Shoot him.” Rhynes said the cartoon was not in good taste and all those depicted in the cartoon were Black. He went on to say that he knows the council has no control over the media. END.

MY RESPONSE TO VDT EDITOR: At NO time! I repeat at NO time during the Valdosta City Council Meeting did I say, “ELECTED OFFICIALS WERE INSULTING PRESIDENT ON RADIO.” [THIS SHOULD BE CORRECTED] My presentation was clear as crystal that our local GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS were repeatedly in the company of those where the word racists and other negative comments are routinely made against our Executive Commander-In-Chief of those whose lives are in harms way in Iraq, and Afghanistan and in other war torn areas around the world. I also stated that to disrespect the Executive Commander-In-Chief was a disgrace to all who served their country including airmen stationed here at Moody Air Force Base.

These members of our ARMED FORCES face death, place their life on the line, and took an oath and obligation to carry out the orders and complete the mission of their Executive-Commander-In-Chief. The stress upon our military personnel and their families cannot be measured. Therefore our local elected officials should not compound the problem by repeatedly being in company of those criticizing our soldiers Executive Commander-In-Chief on radio in an unpatriotic manner---in time of war.

Moreover it seems that Valdosta City School Superintendent William Cason have already done enough damage to our community by denying intercity school children the right to watch President Obama’s Speech on live television that was aired around the world. The end. LINKS ADDED BELOW:

Video: Crowd boos vet (George Boston Rhynes) for saying respect the president, our Active Duty Personnel, Dependent Children, Retired, and Military Veterans for their service.

Local Retired General Speaks Out Against Our Military Service Members “Executive Commander-In-Chief.”

2. Scott James Radio Comments and Questions Directed to Mayor John Fretti and the Mayors Comments: So, where can we begin? Mayor response: We can start with the agenda or we can start with the rant and rave. Radio Personality: We’ll go with George Rhynes. Ah, I guess, HE called me out during Citizens to be heard. George! I saw him down town the other day, and he looked like he wanted to talk. But I was on the cell phone and off---he went. MAYOR FRETTI RESPONSE: I confess, as soon as I heard the word “clown.” I got to tell you. I though of ONLY one particular radio well known, and well liked radio personality. But as for as elected officials, He never said. I don’t know if he has one or not. I think that is some of the political posturing that going on. Just to accuse one or two of saying something like that. Ah, may be it is “RACIALLY MOTIVATED?” (SEE LINKS BELOW)

Mayor Fretti Comments: I don’t know. But, ah, I don’t mind George pointing out names. I think out of respect if he has names. He didn’t say it then, and I expect that… But I don’t know if he really has one. It’s the season and my CYNICISM leads me to think that, that’s what happening. Because it is the election, but George comes up every meeting and always has something, and we always listen to him We always try to respond to him, if he asks for a response, and he usually has something to contribute almost every time.

Scott James: I have had better conversations with him (George Rhynes) in the hall outside council. Ah, WE had good conversation. I brought him on the air one time and I didn’t enjoy him. He, I don’t know, he was a little uncomfortable on the spot.

Mayor Response: Ah, he didn’t enjoy it?

Scott James Continues: No! I didn’t enjoy it. He (George) lightened up. So I was thinking gosh. If he (George) could have taken some of that hall discussion to the air, HE would have had something. But it turned entirely into something differently. But I don’t think it presented George----in a very good light that morning. And I didn’t think the people enjoyed the conversation. So I will continue my conversation with George----in the hallway. Mayor response: Right, right. THE END, LINKS ADDED.

[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] Why are all these positions held by Whites in 2009 in our city school system? Why the 1971 U.S. Justice Department Court Order and Consent Decree has has NOT been complied with in 38 years?

[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED]: Why are there only three Black Department Heads out of 23 in a city and county that is 52-55 percent Black? Why is the Superintendent Front Office Referred to as the “Little White House in our city?”

[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] Why was 15 local citizens (Two White) arrested for asking that a committee be set in the process of renaming a local park during a public meeting in the State of Georgia?

[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] Why would a White Professor from VSU agree with Black and White Right Citizens along with civil rights organizations? While local media use the opportunity to say in the Valdosta Daily Times that they are DESTROYING the Dream and Work of Rev. Martin L. King Jr. along with his legacy or something.

[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] See a Video “A Fight for Your Soul”

[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] See a Video “A Chorus of Fear Part I. and II”(Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia 1989-2009)

Part I:,

Part II:,


[RACIALLY MOTIVATED, AND CYNICISM MR. MAYOR IN 2007] Following the arrest of 15 citizens Valdosta NEWS MEDIA did not bother to interview any of the local citizens ARRESTED. Why Not? (Why was so many citizens ignored as if they were not even present OR a source of matter) Why?

[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] This is an ongoing problem n Valdosta and History will prove WHAT many already know!

[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] Why did Valdosta Elected Officials fight to keep the Old Outdated Valdosta 1860 City Charter displayed outside of Valdosta City Hall? How could they want those words to remain……? (1860 mentality).

3. MY WORDS TO VALDOSTA CITY MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS SCRIPTED: (October 22, 2009). Please NOTE, that I said absolutely NOTHING about elected officials MAKING INSULTING COMMENTS towards the President of The United States. So who started this “UNTRUTH? And who should set the RECORD STRAIGHT?

Greetings! My name is George Boston Rhynes and I reside at (ADDRESS)…Valdosta, Georgia. Mr. Mayor and Council. I have been before you before, and I am here again. I just want to say, that I am on XXXX radio station, and WE take call in from citizens, and there are people in the community concerned about our elected officials being IN THE COMPANY and on radio stations wherein our Executive Commander-In-Chief is often referred to as a clown. While those military members of our Armed Forces have to carry out the orders from that man (President Obama).

I believe it would behoove us to be careful. When we are in the eyes of the public because criticizing our Executive Commander-In-Chief. Especially the ones who was elected by the people, (My cell phone rang), I apologize for having my phone on. That is not like me, and that’s not my nature. I respect this city and this body. I ask that you forgive me. NOW, as I was saying, we the people in Valdosta can continue to down the Executive Commander-In Chief, which is our right under our constitution.

However, when our government officials both city and county continue to sit in company wherein people use the word clown and racists, and just down, out right down, the Executive Commander-In-Chief, well, it just don’t look good on our city. And I know that you do not have any control over the media, and so we can dislike the president. As much as we like.

But I just wrote a letter to the president because a few days ago there was a cartoon (comic) in the Valdosta Daily Times. And I don’t want our elected officials to be associated with cartoons, rants, raves and letters to the editor. But the two cartoons published in the Times concerns me, because both soldiers was painted as Black and carrying the M-16 Combat Rifle. One of the Soldiers said; I watch “Fox News.” And the president was standing between the soldiers with his finger pointing towards the soldier that said he watched “Fox News.” But saying to the other Black soldier holding an M-16 Riffle “Shoot Him.” (See the Times)

I just don’t think this is in good taste. But here again. I am not just talking about the Valdosta Daily Times. Because you all have no control of that. But when we repeatedly see and hear our elected officials in the company with people who carry this on. Well, I just don’t believe it is in the best interest of our city.

So I am going to close, but I want it to be known that as A Retired Military Veteran. I take offense to that, and the reason is. Because I served twenty-years in the defense of this country against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Therefore it really hurts me to see this done----in these days and times.

Moreover considering the fact that those troops, squadron, base, and wing commanders probably already have a hard enough time keeping unity and morale up in their squadron. And so I don’t think this is in the best interest of our community. Then considering that we are the home of Moody Air Force. I just don’t think that is good for our community. I thank you very much! The end. LINKS ADDED BELOW:



4. MY RESPONSE TO MAYOR FRETTI: I don’t deal in political posturing, and I am not a politician. My presentation was direct and focused on our local ELECTED OFFICIALS respecting members of our armed forces, military veterans, their families, and Valdosta Intercity School Children rights to listen to their president speech on live television. The Mayor and Valdosta City Council Members never heard me say that any local ELECTED OFFICIAL insulted the President of the United States on Radio. The Valdosta Daily Times created this MONSTER, and our Mayor seem to have given him legs.

My point THEN and NOW, that our local ELECTED OFFICIALS being in the company of certain individuals tells us a great deal about those we ELECTED to public office to serve us. The transcript, minutes, my taped recording of the meeting does not lie; and is available for all. Moreover had the meeting been televised, available to all radio stations---as I asked the mayor and council in June 2009. But have yet to receive a VALID response. Then just maybe citizens could have been properly informed instead of being left DEAF, DUMB, and BLIND to what took place at this Public Meeting in the State of Georgia.

Local ELECTED OFFICIALS and COMMANDERS at Moody Air Force Base should be in the forefront on setting the example in respecting MEMBERS of our ARMED FORCES and their EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF.

Moreover considering that WE have AIRMEN stationed at Moody Air Force Base, and they are SUBJECT to being DEPLOYED into a war zone within 40 hours to perform SEARCH and RESCUE MISSIONS that could result in loss of life. But these military personnel-----WILL NOT be DEPLOYED as Democrats, Republican, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Black, White, Rich, or Poor—but as American Fighting Men and Women. And they will be required to give every ounce of BLOOD if necessary to follow and carry out the orders given by their EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF in order to complete their mission as thousands of US have previously done for the other 43 EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEFS.

Even before my presentation before the Council. I took my concerns to The Honorable Jack Kingston during his Town Hall Meeting (see video link above), and HE agreed with me. So I was only reemphasizing that our Executive Commander-In-Chief should be respected as the other 43 White Male Presidents. One can only wonder. Is the hatred or dislike of this president so deep that all members on the Valdosta City Council misunderstand such a VALID REQUEST to respect our service members, president, and our airmen at Moody Air Force Base Georgia?

Moreover, the council members that frequent the radio stations in question knows who they are, and this is their right under our constitution and form of government. However we must also respect the members of our Armed Forces EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF that sends them off into harms way including our local service men and women.

In addition, why would the Mayor say, “It may have been some political posturing that is going on?” “Just to accuse one or two of something like that….” “Ah, maybe it is RACIALLY MOTIVATED?” (These accusations the mayor has made are similar to those our local news media has consistently and repeatedly published against SCLC President Rev. Floyd Rose, NAACP, Brothers United, and Issues Concerning Us, (ICU) and other Black and White Right citizens that want to see Valdosta and Lowndes County inter into the 21st Century of Change and Inclusion as (TRUE) Metropolitan Metropolis.

Indeed there seem to be a continual effort by the few; to keep the general public deaf, dumb, and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on information from public meetings in Georgia. This is a perfect example of a continuation of the Old Valdosta City Charter of 1860 Mentality. Which was designed to: SUPPRESS, CONTROL, AND ABATE ALL CITIZENS…... (See link on request to remove this racially motivated Charter from City Hall in 2004 but not without a FIGHT FROM ELECTED OFFICIALS). The end. LINKS ADDED.




5. MY REPONSE TO SCOTT JAMES: I will speak with you anywhere and in the spirit of love, unity, and mutual respect because it is my NATURE to do so. Moreover; had I seen you when you claim. I would have most certainly NOT walked away. I have copies of our interview from years ago, and would be EXTREMELY happy to allow your listeners to enjoy the flavor of our discussion. They need to hear who the uncomfortable one was, and whose voice tone was in question. I played it years ago for my radio listeners and they enjoyed the dialogue between us. I though that was past history----but you can play the interview. While I sit in the hallway.

Mr. James, be it known; that I have always been OPEN and stood my grounds on several television and radio stations in the Atlanta Area recently. So don’t limit yourself to hallways when our world is forever expanding to accommodate all of us on the world stage. I can master a few points within the circle of life along with a few degrees of understanding from the Volumes of Sacred Law (Holy Bible, Qur’an, Torah, and other great books). I do to maintain my level of stability and longevity of wanting for my neighbor that which I want and have for myself and my own family.

Since March 1975, I have made freedom, justice, and equality my ultimate destination and the driving force that keep me listening to many radio programs every morning. So I can better serve my neighbor and though I may NOT always call into certain RADIO STATIONS. I am always striving to build a better form of government within the mind of every American Citizens when possible. Peace! Saint Luke 4; 18.


Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran

Former President of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Branch (NAACP)

A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

I remain in supported of our president as long as HE works to unify our beloved nation as the Black and White Right Americans that preceded him. Even though many Americans would like to see the president and our nation fails. But I am 100% certain that in the END right will eventually win and history has a long record of this fact. God bless everybody, and HE knows our nation needs it. Peace!

LINK: ABC News 50 State Tour and on his way to the Oval Office:

Special Note from Willie, one of my 2800 readers that provided me the following. It was published in Macon, and circulated on the net.

“America’s quiet silent majority must wake up especially active duty, retired, military veterans, and all who follow the teachings of those who stood for the right and not the wrong. The insults (not only to the Office of the President) but to the President himself -- (and in my personal opinion - a matter of RACE), shows the depths to which some people will sink to, just to stay in power.

As our President noted in a recent speech, there are four (4) times as many lobbyists working in Washington trying to defeat -- Health Care Reform -- as there are Members of Congress.

Now we as a people must rise up as we did last November and defeat those who want to see the president and our beloved nation fail in the 21st Century. It is time for the old adage -- POWER TO THE PEOPLE. FIRED----UP ------READY TO GO!!!!! AND GONE… “

(Willie, and thanks) G.B.R.



VDT, Newspaper and the city 1860 Charter Mentality being maintained? Why?

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Oops! Valdosta Daily Times Editor is once again deceiving the general public seemingly to keep them deaf, dumb, and blind to what’s going behind closed doors of our local government.

The informed editor knows that the land for Barber Park was not donated by the Barber Family. So why deceive the general public in order to maintain the 1860 Slave mentality? Mr. Editor you can do better we are not as stupid as some may think.

It is a shame for this type behavior to continue without citizens speaking out against it.

George Boston Rhynes

Retired Military Veteran

Concerned citizen and brother of humanity!

As published in the Valdosta, Daily Times.


Oops! The Valdosta Daily Times editor published another rant on July 13, 2006.

"Well, I loved Ossie Davis, but you are absolutely right. He contributed nothing to Valdosta, and he nor his family certainly did not contribute the land that the park is on. (Barber Park). Seems that it was donated by. Yes, the Barber Family. I did not know these people but without the Barber family there certainly would be no park for all you WHINERS to be using for FREE."

This person and others who share this ill belief based on repeated misinformation from the Valdosta Daily Times Editor and publisher. How sad? These repeated published RANTS shows the deeply entrenched state of ignorance or the 1860 Valdosta City Charter mentality of too many citizens in our beloved community.

Moreover, this lack of fair and balanced reporting continues to contribute to the ill state of affairs in Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia. And could be the downfall of our Metropolitan City respectability in the State of Georgia.

Although, Valdosta is a great place to live, work, fish, hunt, vacation, and raise children. It really need a more open free press that represents all the various aspects of our 21st Century (diverse) community.

The VDT, is overly aware that the land for Barber Park was purchased by the City of Valdosta. Yet! the times continue to allow these rants of venom to be spread throughout this metropolitan metropolis so continuously without question and without providing any answers to the public.

This was also done during the death of inmate Willie James Williams by repeatedly publishing that he had been drinking. But the complete doctor record must be reviewed including the hard copy. Mr. Editor please report the truth and stop enslaving the masses of the local citizens in Valdosta, Lowndes County and surrounding communities for whatever your hidden agenda? Thanks!

When we look back down the annals of history of our beloved community. We see a long list of alleged problems that needs immediate attention to bring our community into the family of the 21st Century with other cities across the State of Georgia.


A concerned citizen and brother of all humanity


FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2009

Local Television Stations Ignores BLACKS, and WHITE right people, Valdosta, GA, and Newspapers...

Are the concerns of Black, and White Right People being Ignored by Local Media in Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia?

“WHEN TRUTH COMES, FALSEHOOD MUST VANISH, BECAUSE FALSEHOOD IS FOREVER A VANISHING THING” This is an Assessment of A South Georgia Town (Valdosta,)Elected Officials, and our local Media WHITEOUT Machine."

After Local News Media Networks repeatedly ignored Local Citizens at the Valdosta City Council Meeting on 19 May 2005. With no interviews of any of the fifteen citizens arrested for exercising their Constitutional Rights. As a Retired United States Air Force Veteran. I had to respond and share this with my fellow Veterans and the American People.....

- This is my honest opinion based on the facts at hand (1989-2005) of Valdosta and Lowndes County Georgia. I am a Black Man whose ancestry is from the continent of Africa. I am extremely proud to be a decedents of ancestors from that Ancient Historical Country where life first began on this planet. As an American Citizens, Single Parent of three children, Retired Air force Veteran of twenty one years, Home Owner, Former Businessman for over 14 years, maintained a successful Radio Broadcast for fourteen years, Activists, Minister of Truth, Published writer, Lover of all Mankind, Concerned Citizen and Brother of Humanity. As such, I refuse to bury my head in the sand like the legend concerning the Ostrich Bird and pretend that we are living in heaven. Moreover, I understand that if this nation (America), is to remain the respected superpower that it is today. Then all People of conscious and good will must stand up for right and speak truth to power!

- Some of the Lowndes County Citizens who were arrested on 5 May 2005, spoke at the 19 May 2005 Valdosta City Council Meetings following their arrest. However, the South Georgia Media WHITEOUT MACHINE failed to report one word these citizens spoke to the Mayor and Council concerning their arrest and the purpose for which they were arrested. In fact, LOCAL news papers, and television stations acted is if these American citizens were not even in attendance at this public Meeting.




MAY 20, 2005,

(In the day of our Lord, By: George Boston Rhynes, following our untimely arrest.

The Honorable Mayor and Council (Respectively)

I thank you all for having me arrested on 5 May 2005 at 7:04 PM. It gave me the opportunity to feel what other Great Americans felt that stood-on the principles of the Founding Fathers of this Republic. When we entered our cell in the Lowndes County Jail, an inmate said, “y’all get up the Sheriff done raided the church.” I was then given a tablet and pen to write down the ill conditions in the jail. One inmate said this is a “Slave Ship,” and the only thing missing is the water beneath the boat. I saw first hand the filthy food trays the kitchen inspection form, paper shoved under bunks to keep them level, one working toilet for forty-two inmates. I was then shown the large fan that inmates had previously wrote me about in their letters and that it only circulated 100 degree hot air in the summer. The shower runs non-stop in jail cell 13B.

I was told never to remove my shoes because the jail floor was unsanitary and that little creatures were present. I was never seen by a nurse during the booking process. I was never asked if I had medical problems or if I had TB or some other contagious disease. This problem was identified by U.S. District Court Judge Hugh Lawson in June 1997 that stemmed from a 1989 Civil Suit and was suppose to be corrected within two years. (See Civil Action #89-54-VAL).

My incarceration in the Lowndes County Jail only strengthened my belief that all Lowndes County Elected Officials must have a sense of loyalty, respect, and responsibility to those who elected them to serve their interests. Unlike the South Georgia Media Network (SGMN), that seem to routinely publish lies, misinformation, ignores the facts, and consistently report that the land for Barber Park was donated by the Barber Family. And that there was a contractual agreement between the city and family. That made it almost impossible for the name to be changed. As reported in the Valdosta Daily times but was proved to be false.

Mr. Mayor and Council much of the information from these meetings are not being reported to the public. Therefore, we may need to create a City News Letter.” This will better inform the people. Since our local media routinely ignores problems brought before governmental, educational, and community meetings. FOR EXAMPLE: Local media ignored citizens complaints about Gang activity in Valdosta for years, and that elderly citizens were afraid to come out of their homes because of gang violence. The Media ignored inmates sending signed letters and notarized statements to governmental agencies including the District Attorney, and about the abuses, inhumane, unsanitary, and denial of inmates 1st, 6th, 8th, and 14th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States and of 42 U. S. C. Section. (1983); REF: CIVIL ACTION NO. 89-54-VAL in the Lowndes County Jail. Local media failed to report the many eye witnesses in the arrest of Willie James Williams on Lee Street or investigate why Ms Gilmore, who took the call from the hospital from Mr. Williams who told her that he was beaten and that she should see how they beat him to mention a few omissions from the Williams case.

Local Media failed to mention that the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners failed to provide even a courteous reply to jailed inmates who asked for an outside investigation to address their ill treatment in the jail. When Rev. Floyd Rose, ran for Chairman of the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners. He received racial slurs, and threats were made on his life at J.C. Shack Road polling place with a White Man being arrested. However, local media NEVER reported that Rev. Rose was the SUBJECT of these threats. Not one elected Official in the City of Valdosta, or in Lowndes County government said anything about this most serious matter in Lowndes County Georgia.

When local media had a forum with Project Change and their theme was “do we really want to talk about race?” When Charles Moore a reporter from the Lake Park Post weekly newspaper asked pointed questions. It was quickly proved that no one really wanted to talk about race in Lowndes County. Little if any investigative reporting was done surrounding the mock lynching of Black Dolls on a tree at Lowndes County High School in June 2003. When racial epithets were written on the tower at Valdosta High School there were no closure or in-depth reporting. Local media ignored a bus accident on Clay Road in front of Rev. White house and he witnessed the accident. When comments were brought up at the Jimmy Rainwater Conference Center on NOT hiring Blacks to management positions.

A former applicant said that employees on staff had spoken to him of the unfair hiring practices and that one Black applicant application was never considered. (Name omitted but available upon request). This too, was omitted from the newspapers although they were present at the Lowndes County Conference Center Meeting. The media said nothing when the disgraceful 1860 Valdosta City Charter was removed from these walls because I protested and insisted that it be removed because it was an insult to Blacks and all people of good will. It read in Article 100, Section XI, “THAT THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL SHALL PASS ALL PROPER AND NECESSARY LAWS AND ORDINANCES FOR THE CONTROL OF SLAVES AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR IN SAID TOWN AND SUPPRESS AND ABATE ALL NUISANCES ARRIVING FROM HOGS, DOGS, HORSES, OR OTHER STOCK STRAYING AT LARGE IN SAID TOWN, OR FROM OTHER CAUSES.”

For years Blacks complained about bad railroad tracks and panhandlers but only recently did the press say anything to the public. When citizens were required to travel 13 miles round trip during the last City Election in a Black Precinct. Nothing was published to inform the citizens of Valdosta. On 21 June 2003, a 49-year-old White male inmate died in the Lowndes County Jail. However, it took local media 26 days to release his name after Civil Rights organizations told them that the public had a right to know. Therefore, the citizens of Lowndes have no idea of how many inmates have died because there is no (local) investigative reporting by the Press. Therefore, citizens do not know how much money has been paid out through Civil Law Suits from abused inmates. Even more importantly is that the media seem to have a vested interest in not reporting the news to local citizens. The Lake Park Post an independent weekly newspaper published on 15 April 2004, Vol. 17 NO. 2, that the following inmates died in the jail to mention a few that is known to have occurred in our surrounding the Lowndes County Jail. They were Rosemary King age 40, died, on 20 June 2001, Ronzie “Sonny” Graham, age 48, died, on 13 July 2000, Willie James Williams age 49, died, on 2 Sept 1998, Willie Lee Gay age 39, died, on 23 Oct 1995, Willie McFarland died years earlier, John Henry Dejonghe, 49 died on 21 June 2004.

Then on 5 May 2005 fifteen citizens were told by inmates in their cell (13B) that Leisa Sanders also died in our surrounding the jail, and that even more deaths had occurred in the jail but that the media along with others have kept them secret and away from the public. Many inmates in cell 13B heard these words coming from inmates who seemed to know. Since there is no objective Local News Media in these area citizens do not know how many inmates have died in or surrounding the jail. When Black Deputies were being terminated from their job in the 1990s. They came to the Valdosta Lowndes County Branch of the NAACP and filed EEOC Complaints but the media failed to report their cases to the public. I was one on the Executive Board who met in an apartment and listened to individual Lowndes County Deputies as they gave their complaints. We do know that several former deputies won their cases.

On 5 May 2005, inmates said that Local Law Enforcement routinely search Black citizens vehicles, homes, and plant drugs at will in order to get a conviction or squeal on others. This is even truer when it relates to family members who are on probation. (Names withheld but available upon request). When it was brought before the Mayor and Council that a local Juvenile Court Judge seem to be unfair towards Blacks. This too went unpublished to local citizens from City Council Meetings. When the Times editor was questioned as to the cause of John Henry Dejonghe, a white 49 year old white male inmate who died in the Lowndes County Jail on 21 June 2003 she provided NO answer. They ignored discussions of interest at Valdosta City School Board of Education meetings.

When Minister Rose was arrested the first, and second time along with fourteen others. It never made front-page coverage. It seem that front page coverage is reserved for a cat trapped in a tree or for Blacks who rob a convenient store etc, Moreover, when Tiger Woods won the Augusta National practically every newspaper in the nation had Tiger Woods sporting that Highly Honored and respected Green Jacket on the front page. But NOT in Valdosta Georgia! They ignored peaceful protests against the War in Iraq held on the Courthouse steps. A protest at the Chamber of Commerce with about 300 citizens concerning the death of Willie James Williams and the eight to ten deaths of inmates who died in or surrounding the Lowndes County Jail dating back to 1988. This too was down played, by local media. Perhaps, the best-kept secret is the media’s ability to ignore Civil Action #89-54-VAL, filed in U.S. District Courts of the Middle District of Georgia, Valdosta Division against the Jail. It was Judge Hugh Lawson, who identified 105 violations to be corrected in two years in 1997. However, current inmate letters indicate that these same violations remain. This is due in part because of elected officials and a media that seem to be in the 1860-1965 time-period.

Moreover, the South Georgia Media Networks (SGMN), have never reported the names of the individuals who died in one article. Nor have they stressed with great concern the ill conditions identified in Civil Action 89-54-VAL originally filed in 1989. However, Captain Yeager of the Sheriffs Department identified many discrepancies in the Times on two or three separate occasions (29 July 2003). This was done seemingly to justify building a new jail. But the media, never really addressed the human suffering of jailed citizens many of who are American Veterans.

Local Media practically ignored a National Museum on Wheels that came to Valdosta State University in 2004. It was the foremost collection of African American Historical Artifacts readily available in this country today called “SANKOFA.” Ms. Angela Jennings, was Curator/Director of Denmark, South Carolina who has traveled throughout the United States the U.S. Virgin Island, West Africa, and Europe to amass a collection of art, collectibles and memorabilia that rivals many traditional museums but local media gave little to no real exposure to this historical and international exhibit. (The only one of its Kind). The peak of the pyramid of this county was revealed on May 5th, 2005, about 6:37 PM, when Mayor John Fretti said something to the effects that “Somebody might want to talk about their stray dog, or cat.” (His statement was apparently left out of the City Council Minutes). However, his words revealed that the 1860 Valdosta City Charter Article 100, Section XI, was being followed. It also revealed the truth of the needle behind the haystack.

Moreover, it seems that every local Media outlet is guilty of failing to report the comments from Ms. Leigh Touchton speaking in favor of renaming Barber Park. She is a National Hero, for being the 1st White Woman to be elected President of an NAACP Branch in this Country. However, her comments were a total WHITEOUT. Local media failed to mention that TWO of the seven Women arrested were white that Dr. Ari Santa’s a white professor from Valdosta State University who spoke eloquently concerning the name change. He was also instrumental in assembling a two-hour documentary video years ago entitled “A Chorus of Fear,” outlining the truth behind the Good Boy System in Lowndes County. Dr. Santa’s wife Pat who spoke before the Council with her son was also omitted from the article on renaming the park.

They ignored, JESSE CLARK, a Retired Lowndes County Educator, Chairman of the Local NAACP Legal Redress Committee, and Vice President of the local NAACP who spoke of the benefits of renaming Barber Park after Ossie Davis. They ignored Willie Head, Vice President of the Peoples Tribunal comments on renaming the park. Mr. Head has traveled to four foreign countries including Cuba on behalf of Black Farmers. He sat in the White House with former President Bill Clinton on behalf of Black Farmers. They ignored Queen Ann Robinson a nationally recognized Poet who said, “God is just, so you must be just. Justice is the foundation of civilization and if justice does not exist, civilization crumbles. If justice is not rendered, you will be removed.”

They failed to report that the 3-2 vote by the Council not to consider a committee to rename Barber Park was divided down Racial Lines. After acknowledging their mistake about the land being donated for Barber Park on 24 April 2005, they continued to publish Rants that the park was donated and that there was a contractual agreement. Even a local former Firefighter and Deacon Tony Daniel’s from one of the most prestigious Black Churches in Lowndes County also spoke during this meeting but was ignored.

How could all this be in the 21st Century of the Cosby Kids, and the Pepsi Generation? Especially since Valdosta is now a Metropolitan City. We probably could understand these omissions if Valdosta was in Iraq or in some other third world country. But we are now a Metropolitan City and there is no need for all these “WHITEOUTS” by the South Georgia News Media Network.

It is also strange that NO Television Network (WCTV, WALB, etc) was present at either of these meetings of community importance. However, Scott James a White local Conservative Talks Show Host did address some of the concerns from the City Council Meeting on his Talk Show. The South Georgia Media Machine even ignored the arrest of the President of the local NAACP Branch. It must be noted that the NAACP is the oldest Civil Rights Organization in the Nation.

Therefore, we must ask why so many important omissions are being allowed in this South Georgia Area, and for what purpose? Let’s take a second look at the 1860 Valdosta City Charter: of 1860, which states.


The Valdosta Daily Times omitted that two Police Vans were parked outside City Hall before the meeting began on 5 May 2005, and that extra Law Enforcement were also on the scene, and they were as ready as Freddi to abide by Article 100, Section XI, of an 1860 City Charter to “Control, Suppress, and Abate all Nuisances arriving from slaves, and free persons of color, Hogs, Dogs, Horses, or other stock straying at large in Valdosta Georgia.

It’s somewhat strange that our Mayor referred to stray animals in the May 5th meeting when fifteen American citizens were arrested. Moreover, the media failed to mention that Rev. Floyd Rose was placed in Cell MP 103, for hard-core criminals away from those arrested with him. Inmates said “MP-103 was no place for a sixty-six year old man and that white folks were making an example out of you guys.”

It has been reported that Representative Tyrone Brooks a Civil Rights Activist has been arrested nearly sixty-five times. However, he was never placed in solitary confinement as Minister Floyd Rose in the Lowndes County Jail on 5 May 2005. The seven other men were placed in Cell 13B. While the seven ladies two of which were White were all placed in Cell 5, 6, and 7. But the (SGMN), failed to interview them concerning their stay in the county jail. These type omissions seem to be routine practice in this South Georgia Area.

Our only daily newspaper “The Valdosta Daily Times,” on their Worship Directory Page on Saturdays only lists religious symbols of the Christians, and Jews. They exclude the religious symbol of the Muslims without question. Moreover, the Atlanta Journal, Augusta Chronicle, and Macon Observer used words like unruly minister and fourteen others were arrested.

We must question who provided them with their information. Local media seem to be consistent with the Valdosta City Charter mentality of 1860. This may be why they have NEVER questioned the legality or possibility that the At-Large Voting System in Valdosta is an attempt to keep Blacks from ever becoming the majority on the Valdosta City Council. This would be in keeping with the 1860 Valdosta City Charter to Suppress and Control People of Color.

When heritage is spoken of in South Georgia. It never addresses the week of terror in Brooks and Lowndes County in 1918 when eleven Blacks were lynched, soaked in gasoline, and motor oil, burned to a crisp, castrated, and their homes burned to the ground. For whatever reason, Sidney Johnson was castrated; his body parts were removed, thrown across the street, tied behind an automobile and dragged down South Patterson Street in broad day light in Valdosta Georgia while citizens looked on in glee, (Ref. The Crises in July 1918).

In addition, an eight-month old Black Fetus was cut from its mother’s abdomen (Mary Turner), and its head crushed by the heel of a certain White man boot. This history is also omitted from the South Georgia Media Network but has been documented and a book is now being written with the potential of becoming a movie about this South Georgia Area by a White lady in Florida.

A few months ago a Representative from the 144th Congressional District Ellis Black sponsored a bill to rename Negro Branch west of Quitman---to Pride Branch. This was the result of informed students attending Brooks County School system requesting the change from a segregated and shameful past. This is a great gesture by Congressman Black. However, the branch has never been called “Negro Branch.” I am from Brooks County and it has always been known until this very day as “NIGGER BRANCH.” No one in Brooks County knows of a “NEGRO” Branch. This proves that few Whites want to address the real issues of the day concerning heritage.

It should also be noted that the fifteen freedom fighters names that were arrested by the orders of the Mayor and Council never appeared in local newspapers or on television. They were only published in the Crime Report of the Valdosta Daily Times on 6 May 2005. When in truth, they should have been recognized as the great followers of the Nobel Peace Prize Winner the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.,

Mr. Mayor and Council this is NOT just about Barber Park or Minister Rose as many have tried to make citizens believe. It is about leaving 1860-1965 and coming into the 21st Century of inclusion, love, justice, and truth. You all must understand that a squeaking wheel can only be stopped by applying grease to the problem.

Mr. Mayor and Council! Do you not understand? That the conditions of the times brought into existence a Mosses, David, Queen Ester, Ezekiel, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Rev. Joseph Lowery, Tyrone Brooks, Nat Turner, Elijah Mohammed, John Brown, Malcolm X., Jesse L. Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and others. In the same manner that the sick conditions here in Lowndes County demanded that Minister Floyd Rose and the fourteen others arrested be brought into existence. And there will be more to follow because the conditions of the times in this County demand that they come. Our God will always send agitators and liberators to meet the needs of his people as in the past.

Now! Mr. Mayor and Council, your actions have put the “Eyes of the Nation” on Valdosta and Lowndes County Georgia. That was something we could never have done without God working through you---on our behalf.

Therefore, I thank you for allowing God to use you in our quest for justice, equality and liberation. Be it known! That “We the People” will not bury our head in the sand like the Legend concerning the ostrich and pretend that we are in heaven. Nor will we stay on our knees and refuse to stand up on our feet for what we know is right. Renaming Barber Park is right, examining the At Large Voting System in Valdosta is right, respecting jailed inmates Constitutional Rights is right, eliminating the after burner of an 1860 charter is right, and it’s just right to be right.

Therefore, Barber Park’s name will be changed. There are signs and symbols all around this town paying tribute to Whites. Even though many of these signs and symbols had their beginning in Africa the homeland of ancient and modern man.

Every American must understand that before the Confederate Flag became the Confederate Flag. It was engraved in stone in Africa, and before the Cross of Saint Andrews there was the Cross of Osiris in Africa. Even the Great Seal of the United States of America was engraved in stone in Africa. This has been documented but suppressed, controlled, and kept away from the American People as the local media is attempting to do today. There are Masonic signs and symbols on buildings in and out of the Courtrooms in Valdosta Georgia. Valdosta State University has the Jewish Star of David practically everywhere. Hate groups have their signs and symbols of pride down town on buildings. The only thing missing is their eyes to keep ordinary people ignorant.

Mr. Mayor and Council if you fail to do the right thing others will come to straighten out what you have made crooked. Because Luke 4:18 cannot be ignored without paying a great cost. It is easier to embrace the 21st Century of change, fairness, and inclusion by standing on the side of TRUTH, JUSTICE, and EQUALITY. Because when truth comes FALSEHOOD must vanish, and FALSEHOOD is forever a vanishing thing. It vanished in Selma, Little Rock, Montgomery, Birmingham, in the heart of Governor George Wallace, Lester Maddox, and other cities across this nation. So today, it is only fitting and proper that Truth, Justice, and Equality come to South Georgia. The days of control suppression and abating is coming to an end. The only question is how costly it will be for those who reject change, fairness and inclusion.

Mr. Mayor, Council and especially Councilman Sessions---don’t ask Blacks to forget their segregated, and painful historical past without first asking the Jews, and Native Americans to forget what happened to them. It has been reported that 6 million Jews were killed under Hitler. Blacks cannot begin their count under 100 Million. You can ignore our pain and tell yourself that it is all about renaming Barber Park and Minister Floyd Rose. But this issue is much larger than a Park and is growing everyday---that it is delayed. It is about treating your neighbor, as you yourself would want to be treated.

Today the word is out among many National Civil Rights organizations because of the arrest of fifteen law-abiding citizens. This matter is NOW completely in the hand of the God who delivered Daniel from the Lions Den, the Hebrews Boys from the fiery furnace, and Jonah from the belly of the beast. And He will surely deliver us from what seem to be an 1860 mentality that exists throughout local government. That seem to be in lockstep with the South Georgia Media Network, and the Status Quo that ignores the power of the human spirit housed in both Black and White Right People in Lowndes County.

These are a few of the facts that have become the peak of the pyramid and the capstone of this South Georgia Town. But in the end truth will win and the outside world will know. As Paul Harvey would say and now you know the rest of the story? It appears that Rev. Joseph Lowery of the SCLC, an activist who marched with Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., was correct. “That Lowndes County would be the Selma and Montgomery of the 21st Century for Civil and Human Rights because of its refusal to adequately address the ill conditions that have existed for too long in South Georgia.” He said, “that the Civil Rights Movement by-passed Lowndes County.” It appears that the stage is NOW being set for the fulfillment of this divine prophecy. Lowndes County dilemma goes beyond a Black or White thing. It is a right thing, and though we have lost some battles in the past. Our just war is a certain victory. Because we have cosmic companionship with the God of Righteousness!


President of the Valdosta Lowndes County Branch

of the NAACP, A concerned Citizen and brother of humanity!

PS: The City Council Meeting (19 May 2005), following the arrest of Minister Rose and the fourteen others were conducted as usual. All comments by Blacks were totally ignored by the media as if they were not even present at the Valdosta City Council Meeting on 19 May 2005. Again, this seem to be a routine practice in this South Georgia Town (See the 1860 City Charter Article 100, Section XI)

ALTHOUGH, BLACKS SPOKE AS FORECEFULLY AS THEY DID AT PREVIOUS MEETINGS OVER THE LAST FIVE MONTHS. The South Georgia Media “Whiteout Machine” did not publish one word concerning the issues Blacks brought before the council on 19 May 2005, concerning the purpose for which fifteen Citizens were arrested on 5 May 2005.

In addition: A local firefighter also had some concerns on another issue but his presentation was also omitted. This is the insensitivity, and arrogance of our Southern White Male dominated News Media Network system that goes unchecked, unreported, unchallenged, and unchanged apparently from the Old City Charter Days.

Therefore, local citizens in South Georgia have been ill informed for too long with no change in sight. I am convinced that nothing will change in this South Georgia Town without an independent outside investigation or the Federal Government from outside this area coming in and understanding Luke 4:18. Inmates, call Valdosta a “Hell Hole” for blacks. (Extracted from Inmates signed letters and notarized statements dated July 2003). Available upon request because in the end only truth will set us free. Peace!

I gave verbal excerpts from this address to the Mayor and Valdosta City Council on 19 May 2005 during their Monthly meeting. I also, thanked the Mayor and Council for my arrest on 5 May 2005 at 7:04 PM. I got to witness the ill conditions of the Lowndes County Jail 1st hand.

P.S. To The P.S. How could any PUBLISHER and EDITOR, in South Georgia or elsewhere, NOT be interested in disseminating to local citizens the following information published in the Valdosta Post by Al Parson on 3 June 2005.

These are the words of LEIGH TOUCHTON, a “WHITE RIGHT LADY"” who was incarcerated in the Lowndes County Jail with fourteen other freedom fighters for justice. It must be noted that these problems are not new but have existed since 1988. All local elected officials have failed to represent the people who put them into office, and in my humble opinion local media has contributed to this long-standing dilemma in South Georgia. LOWNDES COUNTY DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY, AND I AM CONFIDENT THAT IT WILL BE CHANGED! [G.B.R.]



“My name is Leigh Touchton; I am the former President of the local Valdosta branch of the NAACP. I am the first white woman to lead a branch of the NAACP. I have corresponded with the Georgia ACLU previously about the Lowndes County Jail. Last Thursday night, 15 of us refused to move from the podium of the Valdosta City Council over a civil rights issue. We were arrested and taken to the Lowndes County Jail. I was personally subjected to the following:

1. I was not allowed to make a phone call when I was booked. My case number, which is the PIN number for making phone calls out of the cell, was blacked out on the receipt paper that I was given by a sadistic female guard named Giddens, or Giddings, a white female guard. I was not allowed to call family in order to have my prescribed medicines brought to me until 20 hours after I was booked. I missed two doses of my medicine and almost passed out. Two women with me were also not allowed to make a phone call either and were on prescribed medicine. Two of us received our medicines 20 hours after our booking, one woman never received hers. We were all bonded out approx. 24 hours after we were arrested. I was told that if you were arrested on a Friday, you would not be bonded out until Monday. 4. I was denied any food for the first 13 hours of my incarceration (from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. the next morning). Male protesters arrested with us were given dinner. The phones in the cellblock did not work properly. The inmates had to stand at the phone for hours trying to get a line to go out. Many inmates were locked into their rooms for the night before getting a phone call to go out. I was one of those inmates.

2. I was not given a towel or a comb. The sink in my room did not work. I was locked in my room for over 6 hours without access to drinking water. I saw many female inmates with dirty, stinking jumpsuits that they had been issued upon their arrival but were not allowed to send to the laundry. One woman told me she had been wearing hers for over a month. I saw many female inmates washing their underclothes and tee shirts and boxer shorts in the toilet for lack of a place to wash them. The holding cell that I was placed in upon arrival (for 3 hours) had two non-functional toilets filled with human waste.

3. There were trays of spoiled food in the holding cell that had been there for days. The milk I was given in the morning (at 5:00 a.m.) was spoiled. Thirty other inmates from another cellblock reported spoiled milk. The milk was warm and had obviously not been refrigerated for several hours. I was given breakfast and lunch. There were no fresh fruits or vegetables or whole grains available at either of these meals. There was no fruit juice available. There were no vitamins or calcium supplements or iron supplements available. I was told that I could not have Tylenol or Advil for my headache without filling out a pill call form and it would take 3 days to receive the pills. I was told that I was limited to two Tylenol pills per week. I was on my period and was not able to receive any sanitary items until 16 hours after I was incarcerated. I had menstrual wastes running down my legs the entire 16 hours because the toilet paper I tried to use would not stay in place. I was told that I had to purchase tampons but that the next available purchase would not arrive until I had been in jail 7 days. I was forced to sleep on the floor in a modified hospital stretcher. I saw at least 15 other women also sleeping on the floor. I was told that every room had women sleeping on the floor. One window in my non-air conditioned, non-heated room was rusted closed and would not open. One was rusted open and would not shut. Both windows were approx. 4 inches by 30 inches in dimensions. The temperature outside went down to approx. 50 degrees the night I was incarcerated and I had to sleep under an open window. I had only my jumpsuit and one blanket and it did not keep me warm. My cellmates reported that during the summer when South Georgia temperatures reach into the 100's, that women strip down to their underwear, wet their towels in the sink or in my room, the toilet, and lay the wet towels across their bodies to keep from getting heat stroke. Towels can only go to the laundry once a week. We believe that a male inmate named Sonny Graham died of heat stroke. We believe that a female inmate also died of heat stroke. I was incarcerated with women who saw her die and their descriptions sound like heat stroke (I'm a biology professor with some medical training). The mattress was less than one inch thick and flattened to approx. one-half inch. The dimensions of the "boat" were so narrow and so short that many tall or heavy women could not fit in them.

4. The arraignment holding cell where I was taken with approx. 20 other women had one bench where 5 women could sit, the rest had to sit on the floor. At one point, when there were 20 of us in the holding cell waiting to be arraigned, it was standing room only. There was a 70-year-old woman who had to stand up for 3 hours. There was a pregnant woman with us who had been in the cell for 7 hours without access to any food, either brought to her at regular mealtimes, or access to her commissary items. We were kept in the holding cell, waiting to be arraigned, for almost 4 hours. I was told that when prisoners are locked into their rooms at night, that no guard comes to check on them until 5:00 the next morning when Kool-Aid and milk arrive. I stayed awake all night. A female guard came about 2:00 a.m. and counted us in our beds. The next morning the other inmates told me that it was the first time a guard had come to check during the night "for weeks". There were four sets of doors between us and the guards' station. There were several hundred feet between us and the guards' station. Had someone had a medical emergency, or if a crazy inmate had started a fire, there would have been no way for the guards to have heard our cries for help. The doors are solid metal, there is no passageway for air or sound.

5. There is no air-conditioning and no fan in any prisoner room. There is one large fan in the common area. The common area does not have enough benches for all the women to sit down at one time. All books and magazines are banned except the Bible and Koran. The commissary prices are outrageous. Many prisoners must supplement their diets with commissary items. They are only allowed to spend $55 per week. They must purchase their own socks, underwear, bras, tee shirts, and shorts. But they must wear their jumpsuits in the common areas and hallways, but they never get to wash their jumpsuits! I was allowed to keep my underwear and bra that I was wearing. I was told that it would be 7 days before I could purchase any underwear. Many women go without bras and underwear. Pregnant women are given a different tray of food that does have a fresh orange, but I could not see any different treatment. I was asked whether I was pregnant when I arrived. I was not asked about tuberculosis or checked for lice. I was told that women who come in "off the streets" with obvious lice infestations and communicable diseases are not separated from the general population and no one is "de-loused". I saw a pregnant woman fall down the stairs in our block. She was lucky she did not hit her head. She received no medical attention.

6. A diabetic woman who was arrested with me received no different medical or nutritional items than the rest of us. We kept telling the guards that she was diabetic and the sadistic female guard, Giddens, kept telling us that dinner was over. I kept saying she is going to go into a coma! They finally brought her a bag lunch about 3 hours after we had been arrested. There was only white bread and bologna in the bag. She needed something like juice or fruit because she is diabetic!! We believe that a male inmate named Willie McFarlane died of diabetic shock because of lack of medical care. The Sheriff, Ashley Paulk, told me that he "wanted to die" and refused to take his medicine. When diabetics are in diabetic shock, they cannot make decisions!! When I was finally allowed my one free phone call, the phone still didn't work. It took 20 minutes of the guards messing with it for me to finally make a phone call. I was at the nurse's station when I was brought in, giving my medical history, and the first nurse I saw allowed me to have two Tylenol. The second nurse I saw (when I looked in on her as I was making my free phone call, 16-17 hours after I was arrested) told me "there isn't any".

7. I was given flip-flops to wear but no socks. I was told by inmates, that I could purchase socks and sneakers, but it would be a week before they arrived. No guard told me anything except my Miranda rights and made me sign a paper saying that I had been told my rights. However, being told that you can make a phone call is not the law. Being able to MAKE the phone call is the law! There were no working phones!! Inmates told me pregnant women receive no medical supervision such as blood pressure screenings. No accommodations are made for morning sickness or any of the host of other things that go along with being pregnant. Many women were incarcerated for over 6 months waiting for trial. One woman had been there nearly a year waiting for trial. I was told that sometimes women are arraigned, have bond set, but then the guards take them back to their cells and forget about them until the next day. I was told that women go to the exercise yard once a week for an hour. I was told that the last time they went a male inmate on the second floor masturbated and shot the semen into the yard on the women. When I was in the holding cell waiting to be arraigned, our cell was situated at right angles to the men's holding cell so that they could see in and leer and make comments. We would form a shield with our bodies so that one of us could use the toilet.

8. We were in there for almost 4 hours. Some women were in there longer than that. One woman told me her court appointed lawyer had met with her twice in 9 months and would not accept collect calls and she had no money to buy a phone card to make calls to him. The only protein sources on the commissary list were peanut butter and tuna. One in six American women has unsafe mercury levels (causes brain damage, especially in fetuses) and tuna is the primary source. You can see the information under the FDA warnings on the internet. I was told that it would be 7 days before anyone could visit me. I was told that the phones in the visitation area do not work and people have to write messages on paper and hold it up to the window in order to communicate. Obviously, people who cannot read and write cannot communicate with family!!

9. I was not allowed to have my reading glasses, but other women were. Even if the guard had not blacked out my case number to make phone-calls, I couldn't read it without my glasses. But it wouldn't have mattered, because the phones didn't work!! The walls were filthy, with scum, mold, and unknown substances "flowing" down them. The women told me they would clean them but the only cleaning supplies they were given were body soap and a mop and bucket to clean the floors. The cells we were in had previously been used for male prisoners. There was urine and semen leaching out of the floor around the toilet. The women told me that when they were first put in there, they demanded some Comet and sprinkled that around the toilet to "cut the smell". The showers were in the same state of unsanitary conditions. It was raining outside and sewer smells were coming up out of the drains in the showers.

10. Six years ago, I requested a tour of the Jail from Sheriff Ashley Paulk. I was shown only the common corridors and the arraignment holding cells, which are pristine in comparison to the living quarters of the inmates. The inmates told me that anytime a group comes to tour the jail, they are locked into the cells so they can't communicate with them (for instance, our local Grand Jury tours the Jail once a year). Although I was not strip-searched, I was told that when guards want to "get back" at prisoners, they strip-search the entire cell block, sometimes once a day for days on end. None of the guards had their names visible on their uniforms. The inmates told me, and I saw them putting complaint forms in a special box in our common area but they told me nothing ever happens to satisfy the complaint.

11. I was told by a cell mate that she had been stripped naked and thrown into “the hole” by four guards, where she was kept in total darkness and total isolation, for 4 days. She had no clothes, no bed, and no blanket. I was told that when guards brutalize prisoners, that the prisoners are isolated in “the hole” until their bruises and cuts heal so that family members won’t see the evidence of the beating. There were fifteen of us and we are all educated, literate citizens with no prior records.

12. I think we would make an ideal group to go forward with a lawsuit to rectify some of these conditions and I pray you will help us.”

Best wishes,

Leigh Touchton

ACLU member



Mayor John Fretti,
Rev Rose, Valdosta SCLC,

Citizens Rights to know,

Local Media WHITEOUT Machine! (City Council Meeting)

TO: All Concerned citizens of Georgia and Beyond....

Was the general public, and the people of Valdosta-Lowndes County properly informed of what took place at the Valdosta City Council Monthly Meeting by the Valdosta Daily Times and other news media outlets)?

On King’s holiday! We will once again witness how little some Americans care IN TRUTH about Rev. Martin L. King Jr., his dream, heroic work, struggle, and commitment to change for all humanity.

On January 21st, 2008 will the American Citizens once again pretend to celebrate Dr. King accomplishments but fail to put into practice what that Great American gave his life for?

Recently, the President of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Chapter of the SCLC, (Minister Floyd Rose) an organization that was founded by Rev. King Jr., was ignored by our local media beyond question. Which seem to have become routine practice in South Georgia…?

Yes! The people of South Georgia and beyond remains ignorant to what took place at the monthly meeting and the real issues. I believe that another WHITEOUT took place by our local media.

I will attempt to fill in the gaps, and inform you of what others may NOT have wanted you to know. But I want you fully aware of the truth because we must allow our whiteout machine to keep us deaf, dumb, and blind to the times---forever. So we cannot make intelligent decisions based on facts as they relates to our local government and a once sided media.

There have been two or three articles published concerning the SCLC presentation before the mayor and council. However, it seem strange that only 14 words were used------to present the SCLC Chapter address to the major, council, members, and local citizens in the press concerning this meeting.

Therefore, the beef of the SCLC concerns was a complete WHITEOUT. Copy and paste:

Then another article was published with approximately 941 words highlighting Mayor John Fretti contributions on Dec 18th, and the mayor accomplishments to the City of Valdosta---by Kari L. Sands. But the local media never interviewed the President of the SCLC. Why? What are they afraid of? Is it that they know TRUTH will set US free?

So decide for yourself if our local media is properly informing the general public in Valdosta, Lowndes County, and the State of Georgia concerning governmental meetings in our beloved community? And if not, why NOT? Copy and paste:

Please read the unpublished concerns of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Chapter President of the SCLC (Minister Floyd Rose), given before the mayor and council. Then read the minutes from the Valdosta City Council and see if the local media was fair and balanced.

However, local citizens know absolutely NOTHING ABOUT what transpired at the meeting. Except what the editor and writers wanted the general public to know. Again why would they not publish the facts? This is not a Black or White thing but a right thing… You decide…..


Retired United States Armed forces

A concerned citizen and brother


September 12, 2007

TO: Ms. Kay Harris Editor

Valdosta Daily Times

200 North Troup Street

Valdosta, Georgia 31601

Dear Ms. Harris:

I was the first editor of a weekly newspaper in Macon, Georgia in 1963. It was called the Macon Reporter. It was published because the mainstream newspaper, the Macon Telegraph, refused to cover stories with which the publisher disagreed and letters to the Editor whose opinions differed from his own.

We had all been led to believe that, although the Editor reserved the right to reject letters that he deemed inappropriate, the restriction had to do with slander for which the newspaper may have been liable, etc. On the other hand, the Macon Telegraph pretended to be fair, and encouraged its readers to write letters to the Editor. At no time did he tell his readers that the letters had to agree with his point of view.

Let me be clear. I certainly understand that a privately owned newspaper has the right to decline letters that expresses a point of view with which the Editor disagrees.

However, it seems to us that it is not in the best interest of any newspaper to censor letters and sermons solely because he/she disagrees with the contents.

If the First Amendment to the U. S. Constitution says that the "Congress shall make no law. abridging the freedom of speech.., or of the press," it seems that a newspaper would adopt no editorial policy which rejects letters and sermons that restricts freedom of opinion. This is not to suggest that we believe that letters that slander should be printed. They should not. On the other hand, would it not be in the best interest of your readers that they read a variety of opinions, even when those opinions disagree with the Editor's? It seems to us that a letter or a sermon that challenges, convicts, and convinces, would be a credit to the newspaper, however controversial it is.

A review of our letters and sermons indicates that they have been relevant, and we trust, challenging. They have been based on current events, and our own research. Have they been provocative? Perhaps they have. Have they been controversial? Perhaps they have been.

factually based? We have responded to articles and information that we have received from the Valdosta Daily Times and other media outlets.

We hesitated to write this letter. However, after some discussion we decided, as a matter of principle, that it is more important to us that you understand our position than it is to have another letter printed, if we have to make sure that you agree with its content. That, it seems to us, goes against everything that we believe is Christian or American.

Sincerely yours,




December 7, 2007

Sandy Sanders, Publisher & Kay Harris, Editor and Chief Valdosta Daily Times 200 North Troupe Street Valdosta, Georgia 31601

Dear Mr. Sanders & Mrs.


Your reporter's account of what took place during the Citizens to Be Heard portion of the December 6, city council meeting was misleading at best. It portrayed me as some out of control, disrespectful character who was bent on disrupting the council meeting. Because of how our presentation on November 19, was reported by the Times, we taped our presentation on December 6, and a copy is being forwarded to you.

We did not read the same letter before Council as claimed in your report. The letter was not written until December 20, and the Times were given a copy of the letter, along with the News Release. Not that it will likely matter, enclosed is another copy.

I found it interesting that your reporter chose to interview the Mayor, and to give him an opportunity to express his feelings about what took place, but not me. Nor did she interview anybody else.

Not a single black councilmen knew anything about the Mayor's claim that he had brought $11,000,000 to our community, or knew anything about the "more than 4000 new jobs" referenced in his campaign Ad, and they publicly acknowledged such last night. And your report failed to mention it. It also failed to mention that the Mayor was invited to our meeting on November 25 to explain what we now know was a misleading Ad, but he didn't come or call. And he claimed at the December 6 meeting that he asked me to contact him at his office or his home, and neither was true, and the November 19, council meeting minutes should reflect that.

We find it disturbing that neither the November 20, nor the December 7, edition of the Times mentioned what the misleading Ad was about. That, at least, would have let your readers know why it was important for the Valdosta-Lowndes County chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to publicly question its truthfulness. Although politicians often mislead the public in their campaigns, but to make claims which affect a population of people who are hurting for jobs is cruel, and should not be acceptable, not even by the newspaper that endorsed him.

Sandy Sander & Kay Harris

All the Mayor had to do was simply tell us where the "more than 4000 jobs" were that he was responsible for bringing to our community, the source of the $11,000,000, and where it was spent, or simply acknowledge that the Ad was not true. And that would have ended the discussion. Instead he chose to play victim of a "barrage of attacks." To describe our exchange of words as a "barrage of attacks," was nonsense. Furthermore, I was not escorted from the Podium by the Police Chief, as inferred by the article. My presentation was over when Councilmen Vickers, Head, Payton, and Wright acknowledged that they knew nothing about the $ 11,000,000 or the 4000 jobs. He then asked me to leave the council chambers, and I refused. In fact, I told him that I would rather be arrested. Nothing is more important to me than my integrity, and I would have preferred to go to jail in dignity than leave the council chambers in shame.

It seems to us that the most important source of news in Valdosta should be concerned about any politician who deliberately misleads a segment of the community in his bid for re-election, even though he was its choice.

We have never asked for preferential coverage from the Valdosta Daily Times.

We only expect fair reporting. After all, when your readers pick up their newspaper, except for opinions on the Editorial page, they deserve an unbiased account of events.

Respectfully yours,

Floyd President

cc: Kari L. Sands


December 8, 2007

John Fretti XXXX XXXXX Valdosta, Georgia XXXXX

Dear John:

We received your letter on December 7th. Since you indicated that the questions that were raised at the December 6, meeting would be answered, we were eager to read it.

There was never any question about whether more than 4000 new jobs have come to Valdosta in the last four years. Your radio Ad, which was specifically directed at the black community, claimed that the jobs were brought to our community. The question was not whether or not you were responsible for bringing $11,000,000 dollars to Valdosta, but whether the money was spent hi the black community, as claimed by your radio Ad.

The information that you sent to me does not speak to these claims. The article from the Valdosta Daily Times which you enclosed said, "Mayor Fretti exclaimed that anywhere a citizen can look, he or she can notice growth in the community in the last four years." This was written following one of the Candidates forums. "He stated that since he took office, Valdosta has gained approximately 4,000 high paying jobs and received more than $11,000,000 in state and federal aid." This statement does not support your claim that the funds and jobs were brought to our community.

At the December 6, city council meeting you said that the Ad that was aired in the black community was "the same Ad that was all over town; the same words." Are you telling us that you told white supporters that you attended their "Watch Night meetings, and helped organize their Juneteenth observance, neither of which they celebrate?

To trivialize this matter, and make me out to be some out of control character bent on disrupting council meetings, is ludicrous. The unemployment rate among blacks is more than twice that of whites, and the median income for blacks is only $18,600 compared to $36,400 for whites. And for you to claim that you had brought more than 4000 new jobs to our community hurts. And we care too much about our people to allow such claims to go unchallenged.

It seems to us a simple matter. You could have acknowledged that the Ad was, at best, misleading, and the matter would have been ended. Why is that so difficult for you to do? Everybody, including the four black councilmen who represent our community, and the City

Manager's Office, have acknowledged that they know nothing about the $11,000,000 and the more than 4000 new jobs referenced in your Ad.

There were other people who were prepared to speak at the December 6, council meeting. At least two with which I am familiar, and the subject of their presentations had nothing to do with this issue; one was Queen Robinson, the fifty-five year old homeless woman who addressed the November 19, council meeting. One of the city's employees had made arrangements for housing for her. And since her case was made public, she wanted to publicly thank you and the council for listening to her, and the employee for helping her. The other was a man who had some concerns about traffic problems. But you arbitrarily cut off that portion of the Citizens to Be Heard portion of the meeting prematurely.

When you came to our office prior to your first election as mayor, seeking our support, we believed that you were, as your campaign literature stated, a man of integrity, leadership, and vision. You had earlier spoken at one, perhaps two, of the meetings of the People's Tribunal, and talked about honesty in government. Unfortunately, the John Fretti who was running for Mayor does not seem to be the John Fretti who is mayor. You have initiated policies designed primarily, not to serve the people, but to control them.

Policies that are unjust must be changed, and they can only be changed if they are challenged. One of those policies is to deny the right of citizens to address their own representative during the Citizens to Be Heard portion of the council meetings. As a man of conscience, I cannot obey an unjust policy, and I am willing to pay the price for challenging it, including arrest and being imprisoned. If there are questions that I have for my representative or any other councilman, I will ask him, and will accept whatever punishment you deem appropriate.

Enclosed is a copy of the letter that I sent to the Publisher and Editor of the Valdosta Daily Times expressing our concern over the way the newspaper has covered this issue.

Respectfully yours,

Floyd Rose

cc: City Manager,



Valdosta Daily Times,

Police Chief Simons.

My words added: Again, and again, I say to the people of South Georgia and the people of America. WE, had better wake-up to the new reality of our times or the government we once knew----will be a thing of the past.

Then what a day that will be for our beloved nation and the lives that were lost to save us from what we see around the corner for the American people? God bless America and everybody else.


Retired United States Armed Forces

A concerned citizen and brother of humanity




5:30 P.M., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2007 IN


11/19/07 CONTINUED

Floyd Rose, President of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 411 Orange Street, congratulated Mayor Fretti on his re-election and stated that Mayor Fretti carried every precinct including the ones in predominately black neighborhoods.

Mr. Rose stated that he had several concerns about some misleading radio ads attributed to Mayor Fretti’s campaign that were directed at the black community. The ad, which was written by the Mayor’s campaign and read by influential black radio personalities, read as follows:

“Who’s the man who brought over $11 million dollars to our community. The same man who helps each year organizes Juneteenth for us. He’s the guy who has attended every watch night with us in our community since the beginning of his term. The man behind more than 4,000 new jobs in our community. Who is this man? Well you need to know. He is Mayor John Fretti. The man who serves us all – all of us and he is serving with action and doing positive things that make a difference to our own community.”

Mr. Rose inquired as to where the more than $11 million dollars came from and where was it spent in our community.

Mayor Fretti stated that he would be glad to get back to Mr. Rose on his concern at a later date and he would entertain any comments on the operation of the municipal government.

Mr. Rose inquired as to when the Mayor would get back to him. Mayor Fretti stated that Citizens to be Heard portion of the Council Meeting was not for engaging individual Council members.

Mr. Rose asked again what the source was for the $11 million dollars that the Mayor’s campaign claimed was spent in the black community and where was it spent.

Mayor Fretti stated that he would not answer the question because this is government and not politics or campaigning.

Mr. Rose asked about the 4,000 jobs and inquired as to where they were in the community that the Mayor’s ad said he was behind. Mayor Fretti stated that he would not answer the question because this was government and not campaigning.

Mr. Rose inquired as to whether he and some others could meet with the Mayor later to discuss who got the jobs.

Mayor Fretti stated that Mr. Rose could give him a call tomorrow, but not at City Hall, and he would entertain the call.

Mr. Rose stated that he was insulted by the statement that the Mayor had attended every watch night with them in their community. The watch night service began on December 31, 1862 in anticipation of the emancipation proclamation by President Lincoln. Africans and slaves gathered in their churches, private homes, and other places and watched the clock hit midnight and gave thanks to God in anticipation of their freedom. For the Mayor and any other white politician to come into a black church and use this as some reason for blacks to vote for him and had absolutely nothing to do with their freedom is at best insulting.

Mr. Rose stated that the Mayor’s ad mentioned that he had organized Juneteenth and perhaps so but he was not sure if the Mayor understood or appreciated the meaning of Juneteenth. It began on the 19th of June in 1863 when the slaves did not get the message that they had been physically freed in Galveston, Texas until five months after the emancipation proclamation. Juneteenth was not simply a celebration of their freedom but the occasion was used to teach them about their new rights and how to go into business, and for the Mayor’s campaign to use that he helped to organize it for them in their community was insulting.

Mr. Rose stated that there are two Valdosta’s – one white and one black. They are separate and unequal. Blacks have a medium income of $18,600 per year and whites have a medium income of $36,400 per year. There is a poll that the New York Times took recently and it indicated that the least trusted group of professionals in this country are politicians and the most respected professional group are the preachers and that is true of the black community.

Mayor Fretti got what he wanted but left the black preacher and his people with nothing. The problem is that there is a difference with being satisfied and pacified. The Mayor is satisfied and then you pacify him before an unsuspecting, gullible black audience.

Mr. Rose stated that every road has an end however crooked it might be.

Mr. Rose appealed to the Mayor and stated that his ad led this community to believe that he had brought more than $11 million dollars to our community and 4,000 jobs and nobody can tell us who got the money and who got the jobs.

Mr. Rose stated that he and others would be glad to meet with the Mayor and inquired as to whether the Mayor would be prepared to tell them about the money and the jobs.

Mayor Fretti stated that Mr. Rose could give him a call.

Willie Head, the Vice President of the Valdosta, Chapter of the SCLC stated that the Mayor used a case of manipulation. They take their churches seriously and a lot of their people are not politically inclined. They are not looking for political apexes but if the Mayor is not going to serve them then he should not go to their churches because they hold those things sacred. In he should not go to their churches because they hold those things sacred.

Special note: This information is provided because I truly believe in the greatness of America. Moreover, I believe the direction our nation is going could destroy our image at home and abroad. Therefore, we must remove our heads from the sand and help save our beloved republic. G.B.R.

Two heads may be better than one but never forget which one belongs to you.{GBR}