Monday, April 26, 2010
SUBJECT: City Finally Responds to Questions by: (George Boston Rhynes)
TO: The General Public, Fellow Americans, Internet….
The following QUESTIONS were finally answered by Valdosta City Council (some) after well over a year. Is this why many citizens fail to attend public meetings in our city? Not to mention that local news media often fail to inform the general public of what goes on at public meetings.
For over a year I RECOMMENDED to council to place a NUMBER next to each councilmen NAME to identify which district they represents. However our COUNCIL MENBERS cannot see the merits, as many other cities across the state has already done. How sad?
Even Hinesville, Georgia shows the district of each member on their city council---but not Valdosta. Although some answers are incomplete, I commend the Mayor and Councilman Carroll for responding to my VALID QUEESTIONS. Their response shows our government at its best. Thanks!
Retired Unites States Armed Forces Military Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of all humanity
a. QUESTION: What has been done to insure Blacks and other minorities receive their fair share of contracts in this city? And what is being done to hire more qualified Black Educators in our City School System?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: As a local government, we are not allowed by law to show preference to any race, nationality, or gender. VSEB is helping ALL small businesses participate in capital projects that the City will bid out in the future. As of this response, no other government or entity, i.e. County government, County School, City School, Industrial Authority, etc. has a proactive program like VSEB in place. The second part of your question is better directed at the City School system
b. QUESTION: Why does the Mayor and other Council Members appear on conservative radio stations wherein our 44th President is often called a clown; among many other derogative names?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: Each elected official has the choice to interact with any form of media. The first amendment is afforded to the media. These radio stations reflect the opinion of the owners and staff and do not reflect the opinion of any guest.
c. QUESTION: Does the council approve of informing a select few (citizens & voters) and ignore the larger segment of the cities population? Is this fair to our military community stationed at Moody Air Force Base and have children in the city school system? Have the board considered that their parents are on foreign battlefields?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: Question is vague, however, the City of Valdosta uses several sources to update and inform the public including but not limited to City Beat (city newsletter) – delivered quarterly to the over 19,000 water customers, weekly press releases, advertisements in the local organ (The Valdosta Daily Times), Channel 17, PSA, public forums, departmental newsletters, television and local radio. The second question is unclear, overbroad and vague. Same on third part.
d. QUESTION: What is the purpose of showing favoritism to some (citizens & voters) at the expense of others in Valdosta?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: Please explain more the question of favoritism. Question is overbroad and vague.
2. UNANSWERED QUESTIONS: (April 2009) “Enterprise Zone Area Designations, IAW OCGA, Section 36-616)” (Matter has been resolved but NO answer were provided).
a. QUESTION: Do you believe the area designated in Valdosta Meet the qualification guidelines?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: Yes, every area designated in the Valdosta Opportunity Zones meets the qualification guidelines.
b. QUESTION: If so, how many do you feel meets or exceeds what is required?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: All four areas meet the criteria of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs and these areas were approved by the state staff.
c. QUESTION: Do you believe the areas designated have the best POTENTIAL of helping the people that are listed in the Georgia Urban Redevelopment Law?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: Yes, that is why these four areas were selected – both due to them first meeting the criteria, and second because they had the best potential to provide an area for commercial development that could be directly tied to providing jobs for the citizens residing within the zones.
d. QUESTION: Do you believe the ordinary citizens in your district will agree that they will be better served by the location approved by City Council?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: Yes, as does the Georgia Department of Community Affairs who understand that we are not only trying to create redevelopment, but also sustainability by attracting and providing additional jobs that are tied to the zone residents through the matrix and due to location.
3. UNANSWERED QUESTIONS “Community Forums on Crime and Domestic Violence.”
a. QUESTION: Why were there no Blacks Ministers or Civil Rights Leaders on the PANNEL?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: Pastor William Morgan, Senior Minister of Morningstar Baptist Church was confirmed as a participant on the panel and had to drop out at the last minute before the forum.
b. QUESTION: What was the council response to the City School Superintendent’s Office” being referred to as the “Little White House” due to unequal employment of Blacks and other minorities?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: The City of Valdosta is a separate governmental entity from the Valdosta City School System and has no authority over the system, its elected board members, or its employees.
c. QUESTION: Why were their no former jailed inmates on the panel or citizens on probation on the community forum?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: The City did not perform background checks on the participants for the Community Forum.
d. QUESTION: Why does the council allow citizens to make threats of using a hand gun at a public meeting in the State of Georgia without corrective guidance from law enforcement?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: No threat was made to the City Council at the public meeting. The City has no control over the actions of a private citizen outside of a public meeting.
e. QUESTION: Why is there a double standard in Valdosta concerning treatment of certain citizens? For example: Fifteen citizens (15) were arrested on July 5, 2005 for disrupting a public meeting but another is allowed to use twenty-two minutes and nothing is said. Nor was this citizen asked to remove himself from the mike. Nor was he asked to move because someone might want to talk about a stray dog or cat our something along these lines? Why this citizen was NOT arrested, taken to the county jail and held for over twenty-four hours? This individual even threatened of using a hand gun. Yet not done on July 5, 2005.
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: The disrupting event you mention happened on July 5, 2005, when plaintiff Floyd Rose announced that he would not relinquish the podium or allow the meeting to continue until Council took action that he wanted, when he wanted and that he would prohibit the Council meeting from continuing. By the court’s count, the plaintiffs spoke for 49 minutes and twelve seconds all about renaming a park without any intervention or comment from the Mayor or Council. Only when the above occurred did Council interact with the citizen. This matter was litigated as a result of plaintiff, Floyd Rose et al. filing suit against the City of Valdosta. The aforementioned suit brought forth by the individual(s) plaintiffs was dismissed through summary judgment by the courts (all 9 counts) and plaintiffs (Floyd Rose et al.) were ordered by the court to pay expenses to defendant (City of Valdosta, John Fretti, Individually, and in his Official Capacity as Mayor of the City of Valdosta). Plaintiffs have yet to satisfy costs owed by any and all twelve individuals and may be turned over to collections. At no other meeting has a citizen threatened to disrupt or cause physical harm to City Council or attending citizens.
f. QUESTION: Is the Old Valdosta City Charter of 1860 mentality still being followed by respecting some citizens and denying others of their rights?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: The City treats all citizens with equal respect and dignity.
g. QUESTION: Will citizens have to file litigation in the courts to be treated equal in Valdosta?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: Any citizen can file litigation for reasonable cause in America.
4. UNANSWERED QUESTIONS ON TRAFFIC, ACCIDENTS, AND OTHER AREAS: (Valdosta Chief of Police met with me but citizens still need a response to these questions in writing)
a. QUESTION: Is it lawful for the police to leave dangerous debris in the roadway following a motor vehicle Accident until all facets of the police report is written up?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: Questions have been answered to Mr. Rhynes individually. Letter is from Mr. Rhynes. He is welcome to convey answers to citizens.
b. QUESTION: Should cones or some other safety device be placed around accident or debris until streets are restored to a safe condition for motorists?
c. QUESTION: Is it city policy for CITIZEN to get a broom, dustpan, or bucket, and ENTER into traffic and remove glass, and other foreign objects following an accident within the city?
d. QUESTION: Is interfering with the duties of a police officer defined as asking an officer to restore the road way to a safety conditions because motorists are making illegal acts to get around the debris in the streets?
f. QUESTION: If a citizens that is considered rich or in the click and among the slicks given special privileges at council meetings as stated by Rev. Rose on many occasions? (Citizen said he had a gun in his pocket)
g. QUESTION: Is the council concerned about major issues omitted from council meetings in the press although they do not have control of the local press?
h. QUESTION: Why not have council meetings televised on television so all citizens can hear what goes on at council meetings as is given on conservative radio stations? (Channel 17, or have elected officials rotate to all segments of our community)
i. QUESTION: Is the general public being intentionally kept deaf, dumb, and blind and unable to make intelligent decisions based on facts due to favoritism being shown to certain radio stations and denying others?
a. QUESTION: Why are some citizens allowed to address the council, call names, and engage particular council members get answers but others cannot? September 10, 2009, 5:30PM
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: Some members of the public like to compliment individual members of Council. Some members of the public enjoy scolding individual members of Council. It is Council’s policy not to respond to direct or individual questions or debate and that has not occurred. I always inform citizens not to engage in individual debate. If the matter can be addressed by administrative staff, that is allowed at times. On logistical questions, most times I ask appropriate members of staff to meet with an individual outside of the meeting or at a later date.
b. QUESTION: Is the Old Valdosta City Charter Mentality of 1860 mentality still being followed in Valdosta? Where is the old 1860 Valdosta Charter (NOW) displayed?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: When a new charter is adopted by the General Assembly, the previous charter is replaced and repealed in its entirety. You would have to define mentality. The old charter is the historic first charter that created the city of Valdosta and will be displayed as such.
a. QUESTION: Does the Council approves of inter city school children being denied the right to watch the live broadcast of our 44th President of the United of the United States?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: Council has no jurisdiction over the actions of the Valdosta City School Board.
b. QUESTION: Has our city set a (NEW) precedent for all future politicians and elected officials wishing to address inter city school children? Has this denial opened the flood gates for litigation in the courts in the future?
c. QUESTION: What stand or position did the Valdosta City Council take concerning a Harvard Graduate and the Executive Commander-In-chief of our sons and daughters now serving in Iraq and Afghanistan not address their Valdosta City School Children?
d. QUESTION: Is it the council position that NO future President, Governor, Mayor, etc., should address Valdosta City School Children in the Future because it takes away educational time of students?
e. QUESTION: Is the Valdosta City Council sympathetic towards Black African Americans that
witness this disrespect of the 44th President? When they respected other presidents that denied them their constitutional rights but respected the other 43 White Male Presidents?
f. QUESTION: With Moody Air Force in our community should we NOT show more respect to our military members now serving in Valdosta and Lowndes County Georgia and retired military veterans by doing better by respecting the office of president?
7. QUESTIONS: PUBLIC WORKS AND SANITATION: (Meeting took place and while we did not receive a written response I consider these items CLOSED:
a. [CLOSED] Was there a contract to renovate the Willocoochee Plant, and was it breeched?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: Questions closed and answered.
b. [CLOSED] Was there a contract to renovate the Willocoochee Plant, and was it breeched?
c. [CLOSED] Who are what caused this alleged breach?
d. [CLOSED] WHO was responsible and what has been done to prevent this from
happening in the future?
e. [CLOSED] How much did the breech cost Valdosta Tax Payers?
f. [CLOSED] What happened to the material purchased if there were any?
g. [CLOSED] Have the general public been notified of this breech? And how much
money was involved?
8. Unanswered Questions Concerning City Council Meetings: (October 23, 2009)
a. QUESTION: Is it permissible and approved by City Council Members for an elected official to make false statements on public radio concerning citizens? (Political posturing, elected official speaking ill towards the president, comments were racially motivated, attends every council meeting, falsely accusing council members, criticism and Sinicism etc.)
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: Elected officials are afforded the rights of the first amendment as is everyone else. The validity of their statements should be discussed on a private and individual basis with them.
b. QUESTION: Is it in good taste for “ELECTED OFFICIALS” to sit among people and be on radio stations where people refer to the Commander-In-Chief of (all) members of our armed forces including those at Moody Air Force Base as a racist among many other derogatory names on public radio?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: As a paid radio talent yourself attempting to attract paying advertisers, you would understand that not every listener agrees with your statements or opinions. Good taste is subjective. Any other radio station is a competitor of yours and the beauty of free speech is that they all are allowed to have differing formats.
c. QUESTION: Does the council believe that negatives directed towards our president increases the spirits of the Airmen stationed at Moody Air Force Base who must follow their Commander-In-Chief?
VALDOSTA CITY COUNCIL RESPONSE: This is a philosophical question and one that should be discussed in a private and personal manner.
Mr. Rhynes:
I received a copy of your “unanswered” questions to Mayor and Council from this past Thursday evening's council meeting. I hope you enjoyed council carrying its' meeting out into the community; specially that our first outdoor meeting was held in Saunder's Park which resides in a predominantly minority populated area of the city.
While it is not my position to answer all of your questions as they relate to the city as a whole, I will try and answer those that deal directly with me as a council member.
COUNCILMAN CARROL RESPONSE: 1b) I have appeared numerous times on both 92.1 and 105.9 talk radio programs when asked to. The fact that they are conservative in nature has nothing to do with why I am on their programs. What they say about anyone including the President is their opinion and does not necessarily reflect my own.
If I were to receive an invitation to be a guest on another radio station, odds are I will gladly come and speak.
COUNCILMAN CARROL RESPONSE: 1c) At this year’s council retreat I put forth an agenda item to seriously step up the city’s public relations efforts. Metro 17, internet communication tools such as constant contact and other means to communicate with citizens directly. Council adopted this goal and is in the process of securing needed resources to meet this goal.
COUNCILMAN CARROL RESPONSE: 2a) You may remember that after GA DCA review, the City eliminated some areas in the URP-Enterprise Zones that did not meet the qualifications. What remains does serve a needed purpose with virtually all of it in depressed areas.
COUNCILMAN CARROL RESPONSE: 2b) Some areas do meet a higher threshold as they should.
COUNCILMAN CARROL RESPONSE: 2d) Since none of the URP-EZ is within my district, outside of business interests in the designated areas, citizens living in my district will not be affected either way. However, I am confident that some if not most in my district support what the City is trying to accomplish. I have actively supported the adoption and implementation of the URP-EZ/OZ plan. I am a community planner at heart after serving so many years on the Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission. The URP and the tools it brings to the table are invaluable. Now the task before us is to use these tools where they can benefit the community the most.
COUNCILMAN CARROL RESPONSE: 3a) I cannot speak to the forum I think you are referencing – but I can speak about the Community Task Force on Violence I am serving on. The public forum held out at the Conference Center was extremely well attended. I co-chaired the Community At-Large subcommittee along with Councilman James Wright. The mix of participants in my group was predominantly black. For that matter the one person I was most impressed with was a 14 year old black male. He shared his opinion and views and they were most helpful. The recommendations from this subcommittee are now available and were broadcast on Metro 17 recently.
COUNCILMAN CARROL RESPONSE: 4g) Yes, as a councilman I have been disappointed in what and how the local newspaper covers our meetings.
COUNCILMAN CARROL RESPONSE: 4i) You have never called and asked me to be on your radio program. The two stations you keep referring to have called me or on occasions the Mayor has asked me to go on his behalf. There is no conspiracy here. If you would like for me to be a guest on your show or other radio stations.......all they have to do is ask!
COUNCILMAN CARROL RESPONSE: Question concerning the Valdosta Board of Education: Council has no jurisdiction over the actions of the Valdosta City School Board.
COUNCILMAN CARROL RESPONSE: 8) Your questions concerning comments a citizen of the United States makes concerning any elected official including the President whether they a council member or not is their right of free speech. Same freedom you have. Now don't get me wrong here, I do not agree with everything I have heard about our President. And yes, in some instances have been offended as an American, but everyone has the right to speak their opinion. As far as meeting with different groups – I speak to both the Lowndes County Democratic Party meetings as well as the Republican Party meetings. My official role as a council member is non-partisan. My political position outside of that is personal and has no role in my actions as a councilman. But let me share this – I too have been appalled at some of the comments made about our President. No matter if you voted for him or not, he is the President.
COUNCILMAN CARROL RESPONSE: Mr. Rhynes – As an elected official with the City of Valdosta I have not personally witnessed any actions by council or city staff that have been racially motivated in a negative way. I have however, participated in and witnessed actions by council that were racially and gender motivated in positive ways. Such as recognizing on a given city board or authority the need to fill an opening with a minority or female so it better reflects our community. And this is not always easy to do. Sometimes our pool of candidates can be empty or poorly represented to choose from. I have personally recruited minorities and females to apply that I knew and thought would be good. But my responsibility to make sure we appoint good members that can and will do the work of each respective board or commission must be weighed in the decision process.
~end Carroll comments:
Questions and comments are welcomed by the city government. They can be submitted by letter without having to go before Council during “Citizens to be Heard.” Answers can then be distributed to other citizens. “Citizens to be Heard” is not a venue for self promotion. It is a venue for relief when all other avenues have been exhausted.
We hope this helps in approaching answers sought.
John J. Fretti